A rash is called various skin changes that occur in skin diseases, allergic and infectious processes and diseases of internal organs. The rash itself is not a disease and is considered a skin reaction in response to illness or irritation.

Step 1
Before starting treatment for the rash, determine the nature of the rash and determine the cause of its appearance. In children, the most common causes of rashes are insect bites, allergic reactions, and childhood infections.
Step 2
If you notice that red spots appeared on the open areas of the child's skin in the morning after waking up, he scratches them and is worried, the likely reason for this is mosquito bites. The general condition usually does not suffer, if the child is not allergic to bites, then special treatment is not required. Lubricate the bite sites with special insect bite ointment and turn on the fumigator. If local edema and severe itching soon develop at the site of the bite, give him an antihistamine at the appropriate age-appropriate dosage.
Step 3
Another reason for the formation of a rash is an allergic reaction to any food. In this case, the general condition may worsen, weakness may appear, or vice versa, strong excitement. Possibly upset stool or vomiting. Body temperature often rises. On some areas of the skin - cheeks, buttocks, the area behind the ears, red spots appear, which are accompanied by severe itching. In such cases, exclude the product that caused the allergic reaction and take steps to remove the allergen from the child's body. Give him activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of the child's body weight. Start taking antihistamines, and if your condition worsens, see your doctor immediately. If an allergic reaction occurs not to the product, but as a result of contact with any substance, rinse the affected skin under running water.
Step 4
Almost all childhood infections are accompanied by the appearance of a skin rash in children. These include chickenpox, measles, rubella, etc. Changes in well-being, fever, sometimes mild symptoms of acute respiratory disease and enlarged lymph nodes are characteristic of all of them. Typically, the rash appears 2-4 days after the onset of the malaise. In such cases, do not try to treat the rash on your own, do not lubricate them with a solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate. Contact your pediatrician, he will determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment. With some infections, for example, with chickenpox, treatment is not required, it is enough just to lubricate the areas of the rashes with a solution of brilliant green several times a day. For others, such as scarlet fever, antibiotic therapy will be needed to prevent complications such as heart and kidney disease.