Our Slavic ancestors had many rituals and holidays, with the help of which, a young family was taught the wisdom of family life. Among them is the custom of collective celebration and congratulations of newlyweds who have married within a year. The ceremony bore several names - "calling out" the young, "vyunishnik", "vyunets". The names varied depending on the region.

Those who got married on the Intercession of the newlyweds, on Easter week, were "called out" - congratulated with songs and dances, like a family.
In the old days, after the wedding, the newlyweds had some advantages over other married couples. The young family was allowed to attend gatherings, rural festivities, both with former friends and girlfriends, and with married couples. The young wife was not involved in hard, domestic work, giving time to get used to the routine.
At the end of the first Easter Sunday, a crowd ("loach") haillers came under the windows of the younger - these are men, women, children. Special vyunish songs were sung, in which they glorified the young and threatened them if they could not bear the generous treat. The young wife especially tried, treating the hailstorms with her pies and homemade wine. The young husband treated the male half of the "vyunishnik". If children came to call out to the young, they were treated to colored eggs and sweets.
The rite of "calling out to the young" still lives in our modern world, along with Christmas carols and generosity. It is shown by folk groups in cultural and leisure institutions, at festivals of folk culture, at family holidays. This rite can become, one of the first family holidays, when friends and parents of a young couple will hail the transition of the newlyweds to a new social status - the category of married couples.
Laudatory speeches for the delicious dishes to the young hostess and congratulations to the young husband as the owner - and will mean a public announcement. And the guests' gifts for the festive table and good parting words to the young family will only decorate the family holiday.
Perhaps "calling out" will become a tradition of your family clan.