How To Deal With A Child's Shyness

How To Deal With A Child's Shyness
How To Deal With A Child's Shyness

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As a rule, shy children do not bring any concern to others: they are obedient, try to fulfill absolutely all requests addressed to them, do not argue or scandal. It would seem, why fight such behavior? But in fact, too shy children in adulthood can be very difficult, as they become insecure, do not know how to defend their own point of view, it is much easier for them to agree with the opinion of another person than to prove their case. An adult needs to be more solid, otherwise he risks spending his whole life not just in secondary roles, but in third or even fourth roles. Therefore, you need to get rid of excessive shyness. First you need to understand why the child has become shy in general.

How to deal with a child's shyness
How to deal with a child's shyness


Step 1

Sometimes shyness can be inherited. Therefore, parents should understand if they are shy people. When a child grows up in such an environment, he perceives the behavior of his parents as extremely correct and, accordingly, copies it.

Step 2

Sometimes shyness is an acquired quality that emerged after some serious event that shocked or injured the child. In a stressful situation, children often change and withdraw into themselves, this is what determines the appearance of such qualities. Most often, in such situations, the help of a psychologist is required, who will understand after what specific events the child has changed, figure out what worries him and will try to eliminate these worries in order to return the baby to his usual way of life.

Step 3

If parents constantly criticize their child or overly control, then shyness and strong self-doubt in him begin to progress. He constantly feels the onslaught from his parents, it worries him, he is afraid not to justify their hopes or to be criticized again. When any action of a child is accompanied by negative responses from parents, he simply loses the desire to take any initiative.

Step 4

Sometimes shyness in a child appears due to improper behavior of teachers at school or classmates. It is at school that a child can be humiliated in public so that his self-esteem will suffer forever. Therefore, it is extremely important to have a trusting relationship with your child, so that he can always share his innermost experiences, as well as talk about the events that happened to him on a particular day, then it is highly likely that the parent will not lose sight of this critical situation and will take action in time.

Step 5

You can fight shyness only by constantly talking to your child and trying to raise his self-esteem. He must understand that he is loved and appreciated for who he is, he does not need to imitate others or be ashamed of his actions, his parents can always support him. Needless to say, shyness is bad because it can instill even greater complexes in a child. You need to explain to him that in some situations, shyness can do a good job, but you need to be able to cope with it, and you become more confident in yourself.
