Help Your Child Deal With Shyness

Help Your Child Deal With Shyness
Help Your Child Deal With Shyness

All parents are confident in the exclusivity of their child. For them, he is the smartest, smartest and most talented. In addition, I want others to think so too. But it often turns out that even the most lively baby in public closes in on himself, gets embarrassed and hides behind the back of his mother or father. This is childish shyness.

Help your child deal with shyness
Help your child deal with shyness

It is characteristic mainly of children under 5 years old. Parents should not perceive shyness as a personality disorder. This is just a psychological feature. It is also a mistake to think that when a baby is shy, it means that he has a low level of self-esteem. Shyness can also act as a defensive reaction.

There are a couple of simple, but no less effective tips. They will help parents to liberate the child.

First, identify the reason. It can be other problems, or deviations in the development of intelligence, or elementary difficulties in establishing contact.

Second, be a role model for your baby. The child should not see the indecisive person in you. The kid will begin to copy your behavior and will become bolder himself.

Third, be more in public places. He will be in contact with the world, and will soon realize that there are no dangers in this.

Fourth, instill social skills from a young age. Tell us about the rules of etiquette, about how to behave in society. Play around the possible situations, then discuss the mistakes made in behavior.

Fifth, support your child in realizing his aspirations. It is the parents who should support and explain to the child how to act in certain situations.

Don't expect to be able to quickly deal with shyness. You will have to work on this daily.

Growing up, the baby will appreciate your care and will thank you for parental attention and support.
