The Sensitive Period In Preschoolers

The Sensitive Period In Preschoolers
The Sensitive Period In Preschoolers

Each child is unique and each of them one day there comes a moment when he best perceives the information received. During this period, his behavior or some special abilities are formed.

The sensitive period in preschoolers
The sensitive period in preschoolers

Sensitive period - how to understand it?

You suddenly noticed that your baby, who has just started to walk, suddenly began to eagerly absorb information, observe you, try to repeat, copy your actions. He really likes a certain occupation, or even several. A week ago he took the first steps, and today he runs with his arms up. Or even yesterday he spoke in monosyllables, and today he puts words into sentences.

This means that your baby has entered a sensitive (sometimes called sensitive) period of development. It is believed that this process is divided into stages and at each of them there is a certain stage of the formation of something, for example, speech or reading. During one of these periods, you may notice that your child is testing you for strength, he has become more vulnerable or overly active. But it is in such a crisis period for parents that the development of the baby reaches a certain peak, some kind of skill or character trait is formed.

Modern educators take as a basis several theories of sensitivity. Among them are the methods of early development of the Italian author, teacher Maria Montessori. A very popular and often discussed technique. You can also consider the theory of stage-by-stage sensitive periods in the development of children according to L. S. Vysotsky.

Sensitive periods

Talented, or even brilliant, people have a rather complex character. This is because character traits are especially clearly formed in sensitive periods. And the deeper the child learns a skill, the more problems there will be with parenting. In kindergarten, these kids are called "difficult".

Therefore, if you are an adherent of early child development, use each sensitive period to the maximum, try to instill in the baby some new knowledge. But be prepared for your child to have mood swings.

And to understand that the next period has come, you can use some identifying signs. The very first sensitive stage will come at about the age of 1, 5-3 years. It is at this moment that the vocal apparatus is actively formed. Are you a supporter of early development? Then use this moment to learn foreign languages.

Then, at about 3-4 years old, you will notice that the baby operates with meaningful phrases, sentences. He begins to think about what he says, how his voice sounds and he likes it. That is why babies talk so much during this period. The formation of the baby as a person takes place.

The kid is 4-5 years old and have you noticed how much attention he pays to music, mathematics, is fond of astronomy? He actively sculpts, draws, tries to write, learns to scale. Don't miss the moment, develop what works best in it.

At 5-6 years old, it is time to develop the reading skill in the child, although he himself may be actively interested in this. In the same period, a small person begins to understand his role in society, belonging to some kind of social group. After all, the world is so big and all people in it are different. Help your child adapt.

These are the most important periods in the preschool sensitive development of a child. They cannot be forced, they cannot be slowed down, and they cannot be stopped. It happens by itself. Adjust and gently influence your little one's behavior and abilities in a rewarding yet safe manner.
