Circumcision: A Sensitive Issue

Circumcision: A Sensitive Issue
Circumcision: A Sensitive Issue

Circumcision is often associated with ethnic and religious reasons. But these are all stereotypes. For example, in the United States, more than half of men are circumcised. The peak for circumcision was the 60s of the last century. But over the past 20-30 years, this procedure has become less popular.

Circumcision: a sensitive issue
Circumcision: a sensitive issue

Circumcision: the essence of the procedure

Circumcision is the removal of the edge of the skin that covers the glans of the penis. In different countries, the procedure is carried out in different ways and can even be regulated by legislative bodies.

The skin of the head gives off a certain mass of whitish color. It is called smegma and accumulates under the foreskin. In some cases, the space filled with this mass becomes a focus of infection or irritation. If you carry out the circumcision procedure, then, therefore, smegma will not accumulate anywhere, and infection will not occur.

It is advisable to perform circumcision at an early age so that it does not cause psychological trauma. If this operation is necessary for a boy who has left the period of infancy, then discuss it with him in advance. Show him the skin covering the penis at the base of the head. Make sure the child understands that his penis will remain intact. Explain that the penis will hurt at first, but will heal very quickly.

This procedure disturbs the boys' emotional state because it reinforces children's beliefs that the penis can be cut off as punishment. The greatest danger of psychological trauma occurs between the ages of 1 and 6 years.

Circumcision has no effect on sexual function, sensitivity during intercourse, or satisfaction. It is performed under local anesthesia. This reduces the likelihood of complications.

Usually, after the operation, the skin around the stitches is reddened, tender and swollen. All this takes place on the third day. The bandage applied after the operation must be removed after a day. The penis is gently washed with water 3 times a day. After washing, apply petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment.

Pros and cons of circumcision

There are four of the most common benefits of circumcision. First and foremost, the risk of contracting urinary tract infections is reduced by 10 times.

The risk of infection of the penis with the human papillomavirus will also be reduced. The partners of these men also have a lower risk of these diseases.

There are also cultural, religious reasons. Some religions, such as Judaism and Islam, require their believers to be circumcised. Family traditions also play an important role. For example, when a boy is circumcised because the older male members of the family have also been circumcised.

But there are also counterarguments to circumcision. This is still a surgical procedure and it has potential risks. But they are infrequent. Most often it is bleeding and infection, but the doctor can easily deal with them.

Medicine does not view circumcision as a medical necessity, despite the reduced risk of infection. After all, the main thing is to observe intimate hygiene. When properly observed, the uncircumcised penis will be no less clean.
