Sometimes you want to spend all your free time with your loved one. For these purposes, some couples move in and start living together. But before you move in with a young man, you need to weigh the pros and cons of living together.

Pros of living with a guy
You can spend more time together. In the morning you wake up, have breakfast, get ready and leave the house with your loved one. In the evening, share your fresh impressions of the past day, then you can afford to talk until late or do other things together.
More time for sex. You no longer need to adjust to your parents' schedule or do it quickly at the hotel. All evening and night you can indulge in love pleasures. No bystanders, restrictions or hindrances. It all depends only on your desires.
Less expenses on rent and other expenses. If you used to live in two different apartments, now you can save money. There will be savings on other small expenses, such as household appliances. Some of the things from the previous apartments can be sold, and with the proceeds, you can buy something you really need.
Living together allows you to feel truly adult and free. Moving out of the parents' apartment, arranging a new house, paying utility bills and other routine issues will help you grow up quickly. You will be able to enjoy freedom and a sense of your own independence.
Cons of living with a guy
New everyday problems appear. You have to cook more, wash, clean, iron and do other chores around the house. Men, as a rule, rarely take on household chores, and mostly it falls on the shoulders of girls.
Financial issues can cause serious conflicts. Previously, you existed separately and did not report to each other for spending, but now you need to learn to live together. A man may not appreciate the purchase of a new handbag or shoes, and you may be disappointed with the purchase of winter tires for the car.
When you live together, you need to "try" more. Look well-groomed, beautiful and take care of yourself 24 hours a day. Not every man can calmly accept the transformation of his "model" into an ordinary girl.
Communication problems may arise. After spending so much time together, you will quickly discuss all the usual topics, and you will need to look for new ones. Some couples break up at this stage, realizing that they are too different and have nothing to talk about.
You will be able to get to know each other better. Previously, you could only see the official view of your partner, but now it is in full view. Sleepy and irritated in the morning, sitting late at the computer, tired after work.
Many relationships fall apart due to different outlooks on life. Living together before marriage helps you take a sober view of your future. Do your views on financial and household issues coincide? Does your boyfriend's constant presence annoy you? How similar are your tastes?
But don't forget that a lot depends on your couple. If you understand each other perfectly and know how to peacefully resolve conflict situations, living together will only bring joy.