How To Meet The Man Of Your Dreams

How To Meet The Man Of Your Dreams
How To Meet The Man Of Your Dreams

You like him very much. And you … he doesn’t know. Because you still don't know him at all. So you need to get to know him and conquer. Until another did it for you. How to meet the man of your dreams?

We will act with cunning
We will act with cunning

It is much more difficult for a woman to get to know a man than a man to a woman. The perception of "military" actions on the part of women is still ambiguous. Stereotypes dictate that the first step is the prerogative of men. And a woman must wait until they come up to her and take the initiative. We will not wait. We will act, but not "head-on", but by cunning.

Collecting the dossier

We need the dossier to draw up a psychological portrait of the chosen one. No, information about his personal life is not needed - in the future, this knowledge can only harm the relationship and deprive him of restful sleep. Therefore, we do not violate the right to privacy. The dossier is needed of a different kind: interests, goals, preferences. How can this man attract and win over. What kind of "bait" to use to get it caught on the "hook". After all, we need not just an acquaintance, but an acquaintance with all the pleasant consequences that follow from it.

Preparing a "trap"

We find out that the man of dreams, for example, works in a computer company (which means he understands computers), walks with a Labrador in the park (which means he has a dog and loves them), plays billiards on Fridays, or buys food every Saturday at a pet store for fish. This is quite enough to move on to "live bait fishing." Of course, it's ideal to have a Labrador or fish. But this is troublesome and not every woman, even for the sake of the man of her dreams, is capable of such a sacrifice. As a last resort, billiards will also work. You just have to prepare: hold the cue in your hands and learn how to hit the ball with it. Now you need to choose a meeting place. Your meeting should be "accidental".

We organize the "accident"

Now, actually, acquaintance. Remember the classics. The old female trick of dropping something when you are around will do. Or ask a question that requires a lengthy answer. "How do I get to the library?" does not fit. But at what age to vaccinate a Labrador or what vitamins to buy a dog in order to have a coat like your handsome one … More artistry, sincere interest and maximum charm.

We met! Happened! I asked for a phone number or gave my own. It's early to celebrate the victory. The "victim" can easily slip away. There are so many weak women in the world who need male advice and help. And while his heart is free …

Getting to know the man of your dreams is half the battle. Then you need to conquer and keep it. But this is already a topic for another article.
