Today, a significant responsibility for the upbringing of children still rests with a woman. She mostly takes on the responsibilities of caring for the newborn. After all, a man is a breadwinner, and with the birth of a baby, he must significantly increase his “prey”. Although it is worth noting that this trend is gradually becoming obsolete. Indeed, now very often you can meet dads who are happy to go on maternity leave and devote all their time to their beloved offspring.

In fact, it is very important for a baby to feel that both mom and dad are taking care of him. Ideally, care from both parents should be shared equally. In this case, mom and dad look like a complementary mechanism. For example, a baby perceives a mother as a part of himself. He is so used to being in close proximity to her that he cannot yet recognize her right to an autonomous existence. The Pope, on the other hand, is a kind of messenger from the outside world.
It follows from this that it is the dad who can open the way for the child to the world. He can tell and show the baby how many things work around. And all this will be done in the form of a game. In general, it is much easier for dads to cope with this task. They are so arranged that they use the whole world for the development of the baby. Largely thanks to the father, the child begins to learn logical laws, cause-and-effect relationships. Dad is able to quickly teach the child to think.
Do not forget that the role of the Pope in raising a child is also important in the formation of moral and ethical principles. So, for example, raising a daughter, dad, as the very first man in a girl's life, must show her the attitude of a real man to the female sex. So the baby will be able to form her own idea based on the dignified behavior of her father. You can be sure that in the future such a girl will experience much less disappointment in building personal relationships.
The personal example of the father is no less important in the upbringing of his son. In this case, dad will be able to help form a strong, strong, hardy and courageous character of the young defender. If the upbringing methodology is chosen correctly, and all this will be supported by a personal example, then be sure that the very real man that women dream of will grow out of your baby.
You need to understand that dad is not just a person who provides for the family and comes to help mom only when she requires it. The dad should take the same active part in the child's life. This should happen from the very first days of a baby's life. And even if at the initial stage you cannot receive any gratitude for this. Over time, however, you will realize how important your opinion is to the child. A trusting relationship between parents and children is a guarantee of family happiness and harmonious personal development.