What Can Be The Cause Of Insomnia In A Child?

What Can Be The Cause Of Insomnia In A Child?
What Can Be The Cause Of Insomnia In A Child?

I wonder how often there is a problem with laying a child down? This is not a very difficult question, unlike the problem itself. There are actually many reasons why a child refuses to go to bed. What are the most popular reasons?

What can be the cause of insomnia in a child?
What can be the cause of insomnia in a child?


Perhaps one of the most popular reasons why a child does not want to sleep is too much energy. It is possible that the child does not have time to spend all daytime energy before the time when it is time to go to bed. By the evening, the child still wants to make noise, jump, run and gallop around the apartment. It will be great if the child walks every day for at least a few hours. In the fresh air, he will actively move and play with other children. But you should never give a child gifts in the evening, because in the evening the child will be interested in the gift and will not want to go to bed without playing enough.

Non-compliance with the regime of the day

If the parents do not put their child to bed at the same time, then they may not be surprised that the child does not want to go to bed. A child's daily routine is vital, so he must always be put to bed at the same time. Soon, after some time, the child himself will learn to go to bed at a certain time. But you should not give the child concessions and postpone the time of laying down, because where there is one indulgence for the child, there will be a second, and a third and one hundred and twenty-third.

Lack of parental attention

If parents disappear at work all day and go to work in the evening, then in such families it will also be extremely difficult to quickly put the child to bed. The point is that the child also needs the attention of the parents. It is important to find time to play with your child, and play the quietest games, read a book or just talk.


If the child is afraid, you do not need to scream or scold him. Also, you don't need to say that he is a dreamer, because the monsters living under the bed are a very serious problem. In order to get rid of it, you need to protect the child from horror stories, family quarrels and scandals.


Before going to bed, you can not eat anything sweet, because sugar quickly and very powerfully activates the nervous system. It is best to give warm milk with a spoon or two tablespoons of honey to calm the baby.
