Do you often have trouble getting your baby to sleep? The question, and the situation is quite relevant, but there can be many reasons why the child does not want to sleep.

The main causes of childhood insomnia and how to deal with them
Energy. One of the most popular and common causes of insomnia and simply unwillingness to go to bed is an overabundance of children's energy. It may well be that the child simply has not yet had time to use up his entire daytime energy reserve, and he still, even in the middle of the night, wants to run, make noise and jump instead of going to bed. It will be good if the child spends several hours a day on the street, playing with his peers. Together, playing, they will actively move, run, jump and spend large reserves of their energy in every possible way.
One important point: sometimes parents give something to their child in the evening, and this is a very big mistake. Even if the child is tired, he will still find the strength to play with the gift, study it and examine it carefully.
The regime of the day and its non-observance. Do you have a specific time when you put your baby to bed? No? Well, then you don't have to complain that the child refuses to sleep when exactly you require it from him. The child needs a strict regimen and daily routine! It is necessary to ensure that the child goes to bed at about the same time on the automatic. Over time, gradually, the child will get used to going to bed at the same time, and the problems with laying down will simply disappear. But one should not make concessions if the child starts crying or asks to play a little more. If at least once you give in to him, the child realizes that you are easy to manipulate.
Lack of attention from parents. Mom and dad are at work all day, and in the evenings they have a lot of household chores, so they practically have no time for a child. Are you busy? Well, then hopes that the child will fall asleep quickly and accurately on time are in vain. Plus, just laying him down and kissing him hastily will not accomplish anything either. Remember that the child just needs parental attention, and he has a right to it. After good communication with the parents, the child will be happy and go to bed more willingly.
Monsters. If a child often has fears of someone or something, do not scold him or shout at him, because all these are childhood fantasies, and this is a very serious problem. In order for the child not to be afraid of monsters, you must not let him watch horror films, horror stories or cruel cartoons. And not only before bed, but in general during the day. If it's too late and the child is afraid of monsters, it is necessary to turn on the night light at night and tell the child that there is a kind hero in his room who drives away all the monsters.
Improper nutrition. Is it possible to put your baby to bed if, just before bed, he ate sweets and washed them down with sweet teas. Sugar is known for activating the human nervous system, so that a baby who ate sweets before bedtime will not fall asleep right away. It is best to give warm milk with honey before bed, they have an excellent soothing effect.
Situation. The child should be fenced off from scandals between parents, especially in the evening. It will be very difficult for a child to fall asleep if she witnesses parental scandals during the day or in the evening.