Scientists conducted a study and found that the well-known phrase that "opposites attract" does not justify itself in reality when it comes to romantic relationships. This means that good relationships that have a chance to continue are tied up between similar people. Moreover, we are talking not only about the similarity of interests, but also social status, financial situation and even appearance.

According to statistics, loyalty is most observed by those couples who met with the help of friends. Another important detail is the time that passed from the beginning of the relationship to the registration of the marriage. This is exactly the period during which young people get to know each other, become closer and, ultimately, decide to tie their destinies forever. Therefore, you should not neglect this time, sometimes, when it seems that you know a person well enough, you think that you have already entered his house, but in fact you only stand near the entrance, light a match and ask if anyone is inside. According to statistics, it is precisely those relationships that last about three years before marriage that have a happy continuation in the future, therefore, you should never rush, especially when it comes to such an important decision as choosing a partner for life.

Scientists also point out the ideal age difference for the bride and groom. The boyfriend must be about two years older than the bride, and the ideal age for marriage is 31. Although, of course, such details are a very individual thing.
As for the subsequent life together, the little things are very important here. After the passion and ardor have passed, it is very important to maintain the marriage bond with the warmth of love and tenderness. Romance in marriage should always be present. Love manifests itself in surprises that should be done to each other regularly, hugs, kisses and daily declarations of love. It is important to maintain contact with your soul mate every day, when the husband and wife are not together, he must communicate by messages and calls.
People who are tied by marriage should go on vacation together, arrange romantic evenings for each other, and celebrate the holidays together. But do not forget that some independence is needed, about twice a month the spouses should spend time separately from each other, relax, meet with friends, the main thing is not to go too far with isolation.
But it is better to start giving birth to children two years after marriage. The child should not draw all the attention to himself, making the spouses distant from each other, but strengthen and unite the family.