An ideal relationship is something magical and attractive, many believe that such things exist. But only each has his own view of them, each presents them in his own way. And it is important not to get them right away, but to build, create with your own hands.

Step 1
The concept of "ideal relationship" has been formed since childhood. Literature, films, examples of relatives and friends put some concepts into a person. It is thanks to them that a person understands what he wants and what he does not. The desired image develops in his head, which he calls the best. And everyone has their own picture, they may be similar, but identical ones simply do not exist. For one, the presence of jealousy is a plus, for someone a minus, someone considers a declaration of love a mandatory manifestation of feelings, while others prefer actions, not words.
Step 2
Sometimes the concept of "ideal relationship" in a person is very strange, it can include the opposite things. For example, in a family, a man should spend most of his time with his wife and children, but at the same time have a good income. Or another option, the wife is the keeper of the hearth, who has time to do everything around the house, brings up three children, but at the same time she is also a successful woman who is moving up the career ladder. These positions often contradict each other, it is almost impossible to combine them, which means that the image of such a family is simply not destined to come true.
Step 3
Relationships are formed from the representations of two people. Everyone has their own vision, something is the same, something is different. If people are ready to compromise, look for solutions that suit both, then they strive for harmony, and they have a chance to build what they dream. But at the same time there is a transformation of images, only people who can change and rebuild ideal images for the existing situation can achieve colorful everyday life.
Step 4
The image of a better relationship is embodied only when it is closer to life. For example, the idea that people do not swear in a strong union is not true. If we assume that ideal couples never raise their voice, never sort things out, then this will not work. Family life implies some conflicts, demands, but the way out of such moments can be different. Also, the idea that in strong alliances there are no crises or periods of cooling of feelings does not come true. There are patterns of development, and so far no one has been able to bypass them. Therefore, the image must be formed on real life examples, given that the internal life of the family differs from that which they show in public.
Step 5
For many, ideal relationships are families where there is harmony and happiness. But again, the concept of happiness is different for everyone, someone needs more feelings, someone needs material wealth. Therefore, sometimes people think that others are doing much better, that neighbors live more fulfilling lives, and their own family is far from perfect. But any union is a work on compatibility, and if you constantly work, if you direct your attention to shortcomings and correct them, then every year everything will be better and better.