When a child goes to first grade, a new stage in life begins for him. It is challenging, interesting and exciting for the student and his parents. During this period, a new daily routine appears, new tasks, duties, responsibilities. The child learns to manage his emotions, to correctly create his self-esteem, to reckon with the opinions of other people.

All children have different attitudes towards the educational process
There are children who love school and find classes interesting and informative. Such students quickly make new acquaintances, make friends with classmates, listen to the teacher and happily do their homework.
Some students love communication, respect their teachers and can even complete various tasks, but they need constant monitoring. This applies to both school and home.
But there are also children who do not like to go to an educational institution, cannot find a common language with their classmates and thus remain loners.
What problems can be encountered during adaptation to school
All children are different and they may have different problems. For example, someone cannot sit in one place, someone cannot control themselves and shout out an answer without raising their hands, and someone gets tired very quickly and cannot concentrate on the task. It is noted that slow children cannot master the material offered to them well.
In addition, children can have emotional problems. For example, one cannot find a common language with peers, the other cannot delve into the teacher's words. Also, the child may not be completely independent, which can become a reason for humiliation from peers. Chronic diseases in babies are often exacerbated.
If such moments are noticed, then parents and teachers need to pay close attention to this, and maybe even take the child to a specialized doctor.
What are the reasons for such problems during this period?
All origins come from the family. The upbringing of the child affects. It is important to consider how he communicated with other children, whether he is open for communication, for playing with them. Does he have an interest in the world around him, in life. Often parents demand a lot from their child, setting themselves up for him or, on the contrary, remembering their negative experience. All this affects the future student negatively.
Psychological immaturity of the baby. Perhaps he is simply not yet ready to memorize such a volume of information, he cannot do what is required of him. The child needs to understand how he is assessed and for what, he must make his plans correctly, and correctly prioritize, realizing that his academic performance depends on this.
The child must understand that school for him is the same work that adults go to, only it is evaluated differently.
The child may be mentally exhausted due to chronic fatigue. The volume of tasks becomes larger and you need to be able to correctly calculate your strength in order to complete them.
How to overcome difficulties
- A positive attitude in the family is essential. Parents should be directly involved in the child's life. You need to talk with him, tell the positive moments from your life. This will serve as a good motivation for the baby.
- After school, the child needs rest. Parents should not demand that he sit down immediately to do his homework. It is necessary to change the type of activity or offer to take a nap.
- You should never tell a child that someone is better than him. Mom or dad should objectively evaluate only their child, and not other schoolchildren.
- The child should be praised for any job well done.
- It is important to remember that it is in the school that the personality is formed and whether the child will succeed in the future or not. The parents are responsible for this.