When a family starts talking about school, you should not try to convince the child that you need to study well. At the same time, the parents do not give any arguments to support their statement. And the student simply does not consider this phrase convincing.

Helpful opinion about the school
Parents need to be told about the school in a positive way. They need to describe how great it is, how many new and interesting things they can learn, what interesting classes the teacher will conduct.
Let the parent tell you that it is at school that the baby will learn to write, read, and count. It is there that he will meet not only new people, but also with different types of animals, with brave heroes, etc.
The baby's parents will need to plan each day. If the child lives according to the regime, then he will be calm and confident in the future.
In addition, such a plan of the day will not only have a good effect on the child's nervous system, but will also teach him how to properly organize and distribute his time so that the maximum number of tasks can be completed.
Additional education
For a child, in addition to basic education, you can also find additional education. These can be circles and sections according to the interests of the kid. Therefore, it is important to consider his opinion. It is better to start going to such institutions from the second quarter, when the child has already finally mastered school.
In the modern world, parents have very little free time, they work a lot. Therefore, some children stay in the “after-school” or “full-day school”.
Such a serious decision is made by the whole family. It is important for parents to explain to the child why they are forced to make this decision, what is the reason. Then it will be easier for him to come to terms with the inevitable, and parents will avoid resentment from the baby. Moreover, the student will think that the final word was still with him and that he himself made a choice.
You should not start leaving your toddler in an after-school school until the middle of the first quarter. By this time, the child will get used to school and will feel a little more mature than he was. In addition, parents can take a vacation for this period or use the help of relatives.
Attention to learning
Parents need to pay great attention to the student's studies, but not only from the side of academic performance, but also from the side of events. Conversations on these topics will bring the student and parents closer together and help develop trusting relationships.
If a child upset his parents in some way, behaved badly or something else, then mom and dad should not postpone the conversation until tomorrow, it should take place immediately after the act. This is necessary so that the child realizes all his mistakes and admits his guilt. In addition, children of this age want to be equal to their parents, which is why their opinion is so important for schoolchildren.
Parents need to spend a lot of time with their child
The time that the parent spends with the child is very valuable. After all, it strengthens family ties, has a developmental and cognitive effect on the student. Enough 34 hours a week for this time to be enough for the baby. Scientists have shown that children who spend as much or more time with their parents are more developed, they have improved discipline and are not better educated.
The danger arises when parents spend eighteen hours or less with a student. In order to properly resolve conflicts, it is necessary to objectively look at the situation and evaluate the behavior of each family member.
Also, the constantly changing opinion of the student about the same object can be an alarming moment. This instability is associated with the period of adaptation to school. It will pass over time.
Parents should give sufficient attention and patience to help the student at different times in his life.