In family life, there can often be problems on the basis of everyday life. After a hard day, you don't want to work extra at home, especially if your spouse is resting on the couch at this time. Therefore, it is very important to distribute household responsibilities between men and women, so that there will be no wrangling in the future.

Each family independently decides on the distribution of responsibilities. If a man can cook better than his wife, you shouldn't deprive the family of a delicious dinner. And if the wife is able to screw in a light bulb, there is no need to wait for her husband in the dark. Only compromise and mutual understanding will help create a pleasant and easy atmosphere in marriage.
Women's responsibilities
Cooking is traditionally considered the responsibility of a woman, although there are many male chefs who love and know how to cook deliciously. But often it is the wives who are engaged in this business, having time to prepare various and healthy dishes for the whole family.
Darning, knitting, sewing on buttons and other minor repairs that can be done with a needle and thread. Women normally relate to calm and monotonous work, so they can sew up holes or sew a patch on the clothes of their husbands or children.
Ironing is also better for women. A mountain of crumpled linen imperceptibly turns into even rows while watching your favorite TV series. It is difficult for men to concentrate on this monotonous business.
Raising a child is an important part of a woman's responsibilities. Sometimes she has to simultaneously take care of the child and lead a home life in order to have time for the return of her husband.
Cleaning the house and creating comfort is mainly in the female care. Wash windows, wash curtains, wipe dust, wash floors, plumbing and household appliances so that everything in the apartment shines with cleanliness. In addition, she can decorate the apartment with paintings, figurines, flowers and other decorative elements to make it beautiful.
Male duties
Caring for cars in many families falls on the man. A rare woman understands her car, can fix it or replace some parts. Therefore, husbands take on this responsibility and control the condition of the car, not only of their own, but also of the wife.
Shopping either lies entirely with the man, or he performs an important role - he carries heavy bags. Women cannot carry several kilograms of vegetables, packages of dairy and bakery products at the same time. They are better at making a shopping list.
Household fixes. The blockage in the sink, fixing minor breakdowns and disassembling electrical appliances, as a rule, falls on the shoulders of men. As a last resort, they use the telephones of the masters for these purposes, and then control the work.
Partially cleaning of the apartment can be done by a representative of the stronger sex. Vacuuming your apartment is not difficult, but it will save your wife time. A dishwasher and washing machine can also be loaded. Or wash the dishes by hand, because the wife was engaged in cooking.
In a private house, a man has more responsibilities - chopping wood, fetching water, lighting a stove, caring for animals. Often houses need to be repaired if the roof is leaking or the floor is leaking.