Female Gaze: The Most Disgusting Male Habits

Female Gaze: The Most Disgusting Male Habits
Female Gaze: The Most Disgusting Male Habits

Men make women's lives more comfortable: they can easily carry heavy bags home, assemble new furniture or install a faucet on the sink. It is cozy and calm with them. But existence with them under the same roof is greatly overshadowed by disgusting male habits.

Women's gaze: the most disgusting male habits
Women's gaze: the most disgusting male habits

Often what seems normal for a man does not suit a woman. The fact is that from childhood, parents instill different values in girls and boys: a girl should be gentle, modest and affectionate, and a man should be strong and decisive. Unfortunately, many of the stronger sex are sure that their disgusting habits are only proof of their masculinity. Fighting them is almost useless, but worth a try.


The most disgusting habit is belching. After eating, men, absolutely not restraining themselves, erupt from the bowels of their bodies an eerie sound, accompanied by a not very pleasant smell. This can happen at home and at a party, and even in a restaurant.

If a man burps up in the company of friends, they will not even pay attention to it, for them it is normal. Only a woman will be unpleasant.

I wonder what would be the reaction of your young man if you belched up after a meal in front of his mother? At the very least, he would feel embarrassed. So tell him about it, let him go to the bathroom for this purpose, if he really can't restrain himself at all.


Men throw their socks all over the apartment. They do not care that they smell bad, that they are difficult to collect for washing afterwards, and that vapors are lost more often.

Sometimes men's socks can be found in the most interesting places.

It comes to the ridiculous: when the lost second sock is found, the first one is lost. So you have to throw good, whole socks in the garbage can, desperate to put them together. You can try to get a special net for socks, put it near the place where the man is undressing, and ask him to put the socks there. This will not completely solve the problem, all the same, the socks will roll around and emit a masculine spirit, but it will partially help, which is already good.

Scratching intimate area

Men can scratch an intimate place not only at home, where only you can see it, but also in public places - a store, a cinema, a bar. What they constantly itch there and why they cannot be tolerated remains a mystery to women. The only thing that can be done in this case is to try to unnoticeably shoot all these scratching on a cell phone camera and edit a video from them, which will be solemnly handed over to the gentleman, for example, on February 23rd. Let him look at himself from the outside, evaluate his actions and the reactions of others.


After eating, a man loves to pick his teeth, and if there is no toothpick, its role is successfully performed by a fork, finger or sushi stick. Not a single representative of the sterner sex even thinks about a toothbrush at these moments, although it was she who would help the best: she removed the remnants of food and refreshed her breath. Take your loved one to the dentist, let him cure caries and then, perhaps, picking at the teeth will stop.
