Male And Female Stereotypes

Male And Female Stereotypes
Male And Female Stereotypes

Most of a woman's thoughts are about men, men also allow themselves to think about women. It is difficult to say with certainty what men think about women and what women think about men. If you listen to male and female conversations about the opposite sex, you can reveal some stereotypes.

Male and female stereotypes
Male and female stereotypes

What women usually say:

1. All men are the same. By this, women mean that men have the same habits that irritate the weaker sex.

2. A man is not interested in a woman's problems in any way. They, women, collect a large amount of information during the day, in the evening they are ready to share it. However, a man who comes in the evening is not ready to listen, because at this time he only accumulates information: usually near the TV, with a newspaper in his hands or near a computer.

3. Men do not know how to compliment. The fact that many men very often compare their woman with another woman, for example, with a famous actress or model, is, of course, a big mistake. But not all men do this.

4. It is a heavy duty for men to give gifts to women. Women very often expect some unpredictable gifts from men. Men think a little differently: they are more practical, so they prefer that women themselves say what is needed so as not to rack their brains over it.

5. Men will never understand women. Women, for some reason, are sure that men never understand them.

What men say about women:

1. Women are very talkative. But it really is. If a woman hears something, then she definitely needs to share it. This is the essence of a woman: she realizes herself in conversations.

2. Women do not appreciate the fact that a man earns money for her. When a man comes home tired from work, his only desire is to be in silence, to rest. Women do not understand this and begin to chat incessantly, thereby making a big mistake. Thus, the man develops the opinion that the woman simply does not appreciate the fact that he has been earning money for her all day.

3. A woman thinks one thing, says another, does a third. This is about feminine logic. For example, a woman reminded her husband that they had a faucet in their kitchen, and the husband spent the whole evening with this faucet. As a result, he subdued everything. In the evening, the woman burst into tears, because he did not devote time to her all evening. This is the female logic.

4. Women spend money very quickly. Very often we meet female spenders who like to spend money very quickly. Of course, there are many women who, on the contrary, know how to save money.

5. Women will never understand a man. Here, both men and women are the same. They think that no one understands each other. Good relationships will prevail where love reigns. And love will reign where a man and a woman understand the main differences between them.
