Why Is It Said That Male Friendships Are Stronger Than Female Friendships?

Why Is It Said That Male Friendships Are Stronger Than Female Friendships?
Why Is It Said That Male Friendships Are Stronger Than Female Friendships?

Friendship is a concept that has no age or gender restrictions. But a large number of people, hearing about two faithful friends, invariably imagine exclusively men.

Why is it said that male friendships are stronger than female friendships?
Why is it said that male friendships are stronger than female friendships?

Male mutual assistance at the forefront

It is believed that a man is by nature a team player. He will always lend his strong shoulder to a comrade, will defend the interests of his group, will be able to give up personal preferences for the common good.

Sometimes the list of what a man has to sacrifice for the sake of timely help to a friend who asks for her includes the interests of the family, children, and parents.

Such solidarity, disinterested support of each other becomes an unspoken rule, starting from school and joint children's fun, and only gets stronger over the years. Leisure activities together, most often fishing, hunting, going to football or a good old feast, only strengthen the spirit of unity.

Where common interests, loyalty and honesty are concerned, there is no room for competition or jealousy. Betraying a friend often means losing face, parting with the title of a real man who always fulfills his obligations. In addition, in the manifestation of their emotions, men are rather restrained. Their credo is to talk briefly about the problem, and get rid of it as soon as possible.

Willingness to help and come to the rescue at any time in their value system is a priority.

Feminine emotionality interferes with consistency

Ladies, unlike men, are guided in life not by reason, but by feelings. They are ready to share with their friends exciting personal revelations and spend a lot of time in conversations over tea.

Emotionality and sensitivity, of course, is not a vice, but excessive talkativeness, impulsiveness and the unreasonableness of making some important decisions can cause a loss of spiritual intimacy between two women.

Changes in the life circumstances of one of the friends often lead to the same consequences. A woman who has managed to find a beloved man, who has taken up the arrangement of the family hearth, or who has decided to have and raise a child, dramatically changes her line of behavior. She distances herself from her former friendship, often giving all her strength and time to household chores or indulging male desires.

Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. Women can be loyal and devoted friends, and men can only be selfish opportunists or banal drinking companions. But something else is more important. To have a person with whom friendly relations have withstood many trials and have not lost their strength and inviolability - this is true wealth that has no value.
