Up To What Age Should A Child Brush His Teeth With Baby Paste?

Up To What Age Should A Child Brush His Teeth With Baby Paste?
Up To What Age Should A Child Brush His Teeth With Baby Paste?

From the very first milk tooth, the child should be taught to brush his teeth. Taking care of their health lies entirely with the parents of the child. At first, it is quite possible to do without toothpaste, it is enough to wipe the teeth that appear several times a day with a special brush for babies.

Up to what age does a child need to brush their teeth with baby paste?
Up to what age does a child need to brush their teeth with baby paste?

First teeth - the first paste

"From six months to three years" - this should be the marking on the first toothpaste in a child's life. In addition, it is important to do this with a special children's toothbrush. It should have a particularly soft bristle and allow the baby, when he learns to do this, not only to brush his teeth, but also to scratch his gums. Of course, a child needs to change a toothbrush regularly: once a month or once a month and a half. In this way, parents will be able to protect the baby's teeth from infection.

From the age of two, as a rule, the child begins to brush his teeth himself, from that time he gets used to a more standard toothbrush, and the toothpaste "From two to twelve" appears in his life. The age category is indicated approximately, since after six years it is advisable to switch to an adult toothpaste. Once the parent is convinced that the child is able to brush his teeth without swallowing the toothpaste, he should be taught to brush his teeth like an adult. His new paste must contain the optimal amount of fluoride. Fluoride is not added to children's toothpastes. They do not contain a high percentage of abrasives and chemical additives.

So, baby toothpaste should be used until the parent is convinced that the child is able not to swallow it. It is advisable to switch to an adult paste from 6-7 years old, since only a paste containing all the necessary microelements can provide full protection for the renewed children's teeth.

However, in order to achieve proper dental care for your baby, you should consult a pediatric dentist. In general, as soon as the teeth appear, parents need to learn very well the way to the dentist. Curing tooth decay is much more difficult than maintaining dental health.

A little more about brushes and pastes

There is some sense in the fact that dentists recommend special toothpastes to children. Since the enamel on their teeth grows stronger with age, children gradually switch to solid food, thus, getting closer and closer to adults. This is associated with changes in teeth cleaning, in the structure of the toothbrush, and in the composition of the paste. But the most important difference between children's toothpaste and an adult is that it is harmless if swallowed.

Of course, children's toothpaste tastes good, moreover, it is deliberately made in such a way as not to alienate the baby from the procedure of brushing his teeth, but at the same time the likelihood of swallowing it increases.

Until two years of age, children usually do not brush their teeth, except for the use of special training brushes, which are usually recommended by doctors. These training brushes allow you not only to care for your teeth, but also to scratch the gums, stimulating them.
