When children get sick, all medical supplies are used. Previously, glass jars were used by everyone and everywhere, but now they are quite popular in the treatment of colds. But this method must be applied with great care, since it is a rather traumatic medical instrument. To put the cans for a child correctly, you must follow a number of simple rules and adhere to safety precautions.

Step 1
It is important to know that banks are contraindicated for children under 3 years old. They have a strong thermal effect, which can be very dangerous for babies. But even older babies should not put cans on the left side of the chest, this is bad for the heart. The procedure time in general should be reduced to six to ten minutes. But if unpleasant, painful sensations appear earlier, remove the vessels immediately.
Step 2
Talk to your child before proceeding with the procedure. Explain that there is nothing wrong with banks, it doesn't hurt at all. Tell him that with their help he will recover faster and will be able to do what he loves again. Ask your baby to lie on his tummy in the bed and take a comfortable position. Pat him on the back to calm him down and relax.
Step 3
Prepare jars (6 - 8 pieces) in advance, baby cream with petroleum jelly and a candle or wick to heat the vessels. Lubricate your back with cream. Heat and place the jars alternately. A vacuum must be created under the vessel, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved. If the skin under the jar turns red and is pulled inward, the jar is set correctly. If not, heat it better and put it on again. There will be no effect from improperly attached jars.
Step 4
Hold the cans for 6-10 minutes and remove. Cover your baby with a blanket. It is recommended to repeat the procedure no earlier than after 2-3 days. This is due to the fact that children's skin is very delicate, constant heat exposure can harm it.
Step 5
Banks are usually used for bronchitis and pneumonia, but are not recommended for colds and flu. In no case should you use them without consulting a doctor, you can harm the child. Together with banks, drugs are prescribed that stop inflammation, reduce fever and temperatures, and eliminate painful phenomena. Therefore, never self-medicate. Which medications can be combined and which not, which procedures are recommended for illness, and which are dangerous, only a doctor can decide.