A lot says about the benefits of twine for children. If the child learns to sit on the twine, then his muscles will become flexible and strong. Splits can also improve posture, which is very important at a young age.

Step 1
The best age for teaching a child to twine is 5-7 years. It was during this period that the muscles are quite flexible and elastic, so it will not be difficult to teach a child to sit on a twine. To begin with, you need to develop active flexibility as much as possible. This is the magnitude of the range of motion, which is created with the help of muscle efforts. Exercise daily stretching exercises with your child that increase this flexibility.
Step 2
Do the leg swing exercises. Place the child sideways to the highchair, with one hand, hold on to his back, and hold the other on the belt. Let him dynamically swing his leg, first forward 10 times, then back, then to the side. After that, you need to change the position and repeat the exercise with the other leg. When performing movements, make sure that the child's sock is well stretched, the knees do not bend, the back remains flat.
Step 3
Then move on to doing static stretches. Show your child the forward bend exercise. When tilting, you need to reach the floor with your palms, stay in this position for 10 seconds, then take the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
Step 4
The next exercise: grasp the right leg with your right hand (with the leg bent at the knee) and pull the heel tightly towards the gluteal muscles. Repeat 5 times. Repeat with the other leg.
Step 5
Another stretching exercise. Invite the child to put one leg on the chair at waist height, and gradually bend over, reaching with his hands to the floor. In this case, you should be close to, if necessary, support the baby. Perform 5 times with each leg.
Step 6
After such a warm-up, you can go directly to the twine. Let the child carefully lower himself onto a longitudinal or transverse twine. You support him at the same time by the shoulders. You need to go down to a slight sensation of pain. But the main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, with a sharp pain, the child will no longer want to practice.
Step 7
Such exercises will take 20-30 minutes daily. And after a couple of weeks, your child will be able to sit on the twine on his own without any effort.