There are frequent cases when young mothers have to transfer their child to mixed feeding. There are some rules you need to follow to ensure that your baby does not give up breastfeeding completely.

Step 1
Mixed feeding is a type of feeding when a baby is supplemented with a special milk formula along with breastfeeding. The recommended amount of the mixture is 30-50% of the total daily amount of food. Mixed feeding is recommended in case of insufficient weight gain, prematurity of the baby, with diseases of a nursing mother that are incompatible with breastfeeding, as well as in life situations (for example, a mother needs to go to work).
Step 2
First, you need to consult with your pediatrician to choose the most suitable mixture. As a supplement, you can use such mixtures as: "Baby", "Nan", "Similac", "Nestogen", "Nutrilon", etc.
Step 3
The choice of bottle for supplementation should be taken seriously. The Phillips AVEN bottle with a physiological teat has proven itself to be excellent. This bottle is not addictive, thanks to the nipple that follows the shape of the female nipple and also has an anti-colic valve.
Step 4
To calculate the amount of formula needed, check weighing before feeding your baby with formula. To do this, weigh the baby before and after breastfeeding, then compare with the age table how much the baby should eat per feeding. From these calculations, prepare the required amount of the mixture and feed the baby from the bottle.
Step 5
If the amount of supplement is small, you can supplement the baby with a spoon or syringe without a needle.