Having a baby is always wonderful. But very soon after this happy event, a serious question may arise before a young mother: how to properly feed her child?

The first thing a young mother faces is feeding her baby. Of course, everyone wants the best for their child and tries to breastfeed, but what to do if milk is sorely lacking? Moreover, grandmothers unanimously repeat: your breed is not dairy, milk is blue, liquid, chest is tight, transfer to a mixture. Qualified doctors authoritatively declare: there are no non-dairy mothers, there are lazy ones who are not ready to fight for breastfeeding.
Completely on the mixture or …
It is better not to rush to transfer the baby to adapted mixtures, unless, of course, it is necessary for medical reasons, for example, in case of a conflict over blood group. But it is not necessary to starve the child if for some reason there is not enough milk.
The best option is a well-organized mixed feeding. Organizing correctly will help you preserve breast milk, keep your baby hungry, and return to natural feeding later on. This means that you need to attach the baby to the breast as often as possible and, if necessary, supplement with a mixture; over time, these supplements will be less and less.
Such feedings are most often used with a small weight gain in a child, if the child is premature, if the mother is taking any medications that are incompatible with breastfeeding, or the mother needs to leave for a short time to work or study.
Is mixed feeding a direct route to artificial feeding?
It is a myth. It all depends on what goals are pursued when supplementing with a mixture. If the mixture makes up no more than 30% of the child's daily nutrition, and the rest of the time it is applied to the breast, then the mother's milk production does not stop, but increases each time, and ultimately it will be possible to refuse the mixture.
Young mothers are very suspicious, so very often they begin to feed the child with an adapted formula for no apparent reason. The following will be facts that are not reasons to add the mixture:
- anxiety of the child near the breast, most likely he just ate or his tummy worries;
- the breast does not fill, with mature established lactation, milk comes directly during feeding;
- control weighing showed that the child ate little. When feeding on demand, this method is uninformative;
Before introducing an adapted formula into the child's diet, contact a consultant to establish breastfeeding, you may not need the formula.