Letters from famous people of the past: poets, writers, philosophers and politicians, often become real literary monuments of the epistolary genre, capable of impressing even the most discerning readers. The ability to express your feelings in writing in a beautiful language is now almost completely forgotten, and the more valuable the letter that you send to the subject of your feelings will be.

Step 1
Be as sincere as possible. Do not try to describe what does not really exist, because when it comes to feelings, any deception is very quickly revealed. On the contrary, being completely honest almost always captivates the reader by getting them to take you as seriously as possible.
Step 2
Before writing a letter, read the accessible romantic correspondence of famous people, this will help you to more fully imagine the possible composition of your text, its emotional component, figurative rows. You can borrow especially successful phrases and metaphors, or, inspired, come up with your own images. However, avoid obvious borrowings, for example, you should not quote Pushkin's poems, passing them off as your own.
Step 3
Do not use clerical and bureaucratic phrases, for example "with the following letter I intend to inform you …". It looks like a parody of a romantic text, so there is a high probability that your recipient will consider the letter a stupid joke. Try to avoid overloaded sentences, participial and adverbial expressions. Short, simple phrases can say a lot more about your feelings and experiences.
Step 4
Write without mistakes. Any confession, even the most sincere, will greatly lose its effectiveness if it is presented illiterate and confused. Do not be lazy to write a draft, check it with a dictionary or special computer programs, and only then write cleanly.
Step 5
It is very important to reread what is written before submitting. You might want to change some phrase or bad phrase. Finally, write your letter so that it cannot compromise you or your recipient if it falls into the wrong hands. Avoid intimate fantasies and details, do not share important secrets and secrets.