How To Have A Baby If You Are A Single Mother

How To Have A Baby If You Are A Single Mother
How To Have A Baby If You Are A Single Mother

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Children are always happiness, and the task of parents is to make their child happy, even if there is only one parent - a mother. And at the same time, be able to enjoy your role, even if there is no reliable male shoulder nearby.

How to have a baby if you are a single mother
How to have a baby if you are a single mother


  • - strength
  • - patience
  • - a lot of love


Step 1

If you decide to become a mother, then this should only be your decision. Perhaps your parents and older relatives will dissuade you - this is normal, because for them the status of a single mother is habitually associated with "shame", old stereotypes are still strong in them. Your peers - friends and acquaintances - can talk about the difficulties that await you. Well, everyone has difficulties, including happy married couples. Listen to yourself and decide how great your desire is to give life to your baby.

Step 2

Assess your strengths, both moral and material. Are you ready to take care of your baby, not complaining about fate for the fact that you have no one to share your worries with? Can you provide for yourself and your child? Are there people who are able and willing to help you? Of course, it's good when there is a reliable material "base" for the birth and upbringing of a baby, but many women who find themselves in a similar position started practically from scratch and not only survived, but managed to make their own and their child's life happy.

Step 3

"Let go" the person who could not or did not want to become a dad for your baby. Everything has already happened, and constant accusations against him will not be able to change the situation. But the negative that you have accumulated in relation to this person is quite capable of pouring out over time on the child. Subconsciously, a woman can begin to blame him for the sins of her biological father, transfer her grievances and sorrows to him. Try to avoid this! Let the man who did this to you go his own way through life - you no longer care about him, focus on the other most important person in your life - your child.

Step 4

No matter how hard you try to create all the conditions for your baby, remember that a family consisting only of a mother and a child is still an incomplete family, and for the normal formation of a personality, the child needs the presence of a significant adult male. Perhaps your own father or brother, a good friend, or (why not?) A new lover will become such a man. It is not necessary that this man is constantly near the child, but their communication should be quite regular, and the relationship should be trusting and close. Then the baby will form the correct ideas about the male type of behavior in society. Remember, this is important for both boys and girls.

Step 5

Despite all your love, do not make the child the center of your existence, although the temptation to do so will be great enough. Do not forget about yourself: communicate, develop, grow professionally and spiritually. A child, growing up, will appreciate and respect a mother much more, who managed to remain an interesting, versatile and strong personality than a “nanny” who sacrificed everything for him.
