A large number of external and internal factors affect a woman's mental health. Women are emotional, they can hardly bear the burden of excessive responsibility and psychological trauma. By what signs can a mentally healthy woman be recognized?

What affects psychological health
Emotional, responsible, good wife, mother and hostess, professional, versatile, interesting interlocutor … There are so many requirements for a modern woman that sometimes, in an attempt to comply, she completely forgets about herself. Forgets about his dreams, feelings and desires.
Often the beautiful half of humanity is subjected to domestic violence, rudeness, humiliation. As a result of such an impact on the female psyche, neuroses, complexes, and isolation develop. Life harmony, psychological balance, self-confidence disappear. They are replaced by fear and reciprocal aggression, strong psychological stress and addictions, psychosomatic diseases.
It is very easy to recognize a woman with a healthy psyche. American psychologist and developer of the theory of personality traits Gordon Allport highlighted the qualities of a woman who does not have mental problems:
- the presence of a broader sense of "I". Self-admiration and selfishness are absent. A woman concentrates not only on herself and her internal problems. Her interests are wide and varied;
- building warm relationships with others. A mentally healthy woman is unobtrusive, but builds warm trusting relationships with loved ones. At the same time, the circle of close persons is rather limited;
- knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses. It helps to avoid impulsive behavior, to respect not only yourself, but also those around you;
- a realistic perception of the surrounding events and their abilities. A mentally healthy woman realistically and adequately assesses the environment, which helps her choose the right line of behavior;
- the presence of humor and self-irony;
- the presence of an established outlook on life. A mentally mature woman has her own philosophy of life, clear moral guidelines. Her actions and judgments are logical and consistent.
Signs of a mentally healthy woman
What if there is not a lot of time to obtain data on a woman's mental health? A little analysis of her appearance and behavior will help to find the answer.
1. She has a healthy and blooming appearance. A mentally healthy woman loves herself, takes time for herself, takes care of the beauty of her body. She is well-groomed, because she wants to please not only herself, but also those around her. Makeup and manicure, hairstyle and clothes of such a woman are always in order. And, on the contrary, an unkempt appearance speaks of existing mental problems.
2. Addictions are absent, there is no craving for frequent drinking and smoking. A mentally healthy woman does not need to relieve psychological stress, while destroying her personality.
3. A woman who has no mental health problems is confident. She calmly and adequately communicates with men, knows how and loves to accept compliments, reacts to them correctly.
4. Having a hobby. What distinguishes a mentally healthy woman from the rest is her desire to develop herself, improve herself, and do something that brings pleasure.
5. The speech of such women is correct, competent, unhurried. They do not use profanity, because an extensive vocabulary allows you to correctly express all thoughts, feelings and emotions.
6. A mentally healthy woman has a great sense of humor. She understands the jokes of others, she jokes herself. The ability to laugh at herself, self-irony and self-criticism allow her to maintain psychological balance in various situations.
7. Good appetite. A mentally healthy woman eats with pleasure, including sweets. Her brain is getting enough nourishment, and this leads to a lack of irritability. The behavior of such a woman is stable, there are no tantrums and nervous outbursts, conflicts are resolved peacefully.
How can I help myself?
But it also happens that the general mental state of a woman does not correspond to the described signs. The main thing here is to stop in time, take a look at yourself from the outside and honestly assess your condition. Even if problems arise only on one of the above points, you need to start restoring your mental health. Developing good habits is well suited for this. Start making time for yourself. Relax, see a psychologist, play sports, read, travel. Any activity that brings pleasure will have a beneficial effect both on the appearance and on the general psychological state.
The above list, of course, can be supplemented with other features. But it is a list of the reference qualities of a mentally healthy woman to strive for.