8 Signs A Woman Is Lacking In Sex

8 Signs A Woman Is Lacking In Sex
8 Signs A Woman Is Lacking In Sex

Sexual intercourse is a natural way of conceiving a new person. This is exactly what nature intended, and that is why people need sex quite often. Long-term abstinence cannot positively affect either the physical or the emotional health of a person.

Signs of a lack of sex in women
Signs of a lack of sex in women

It is believed that representatives of the stronger sex react most sharply to abstinence. Indeed, men with a lack of sex often develop even neuroses. However, the lack of sexual activity can be harmful for a woman.

1. Psychological problems

The forced abstinence in women is reflected primarily in relations with others. The fair sex, who do not have a permanent partner, usually react very sharply to any stressful situation.

Such ladies are prone to anxiety and depression and often take off their bad moods on those around them. The result is spoiled relationships with friends, acquaintances and relatives.

This happens due to the lack of oxytocin and endorphin in the woman's body. These hormones are simply necessary for a person for physiological reasons and are released in large quantities during sex during orgasm. In the body, oxytocin and endorphin act on the pleasure centers in the brain, which prevents the development of depression.

2. Decreased mental potential

The lack of sex also has a negative effect on a woman's memory. This was found out by American scientists in the course of an experiment they conducted in 2017. The study then involved 78 women aged 19 to 29 years.

During the experiment, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity were asked to first talk about their sex life, and then answer questions from the test. In the end, women who often have sex scored much more points than women who do not have a partner at the moment.

The researchers gave a simple explanation for the results. During sex, a person's blood is actively saturated with oxygen. As a result, the brain starts to work much better.

3. Poor sleep

A woman's well-being depends, among other things, on how well she gets enough sleep. As already mentioned, during orgasm, a large amount of oxytocin is released into the body. In addition to improving mood, this hormone can also affect the quality of a person's sleep.

Women who do not have a regular sex life usually also suffer from insomnia. And this, in turn, leads to the emergence of problems such as decreased performance and communication skills, increased blood pressure, and the development of heart disease.

4. Feeling unwell during menstruation

Women without a permanent partner usually experience serious problems during menstruation. The painful sensations of such representatives of the fair sex on critical days are more acute and unpleasant than those of those women who have a regular sex life.

When having sex in women, active uterine contractions occur. The result is improved blood flow in the pelvic area. For those women who lack sex, the blood simply stagnates here. This leads to severe pain during menstruation.


5. Weakening of the bladder

During sex, not only the walls of the uterus are actively contracted, but also the pelvic muscles are trained. In women who are not sexually active, the latter do not receive the proper load. As a result, the pelvic floor and bladder are weakened in such women.

This, in turn, can lead to such troubles as the release of urine during coughing, physical exertion, and laughter. Women with a weakened bladder often use the toilet and have a urge to urinate even at night.

6. Problems with the vagina

Abstinence from sex can be harmful for the female reproductive system itself. The muscles of the vagina in these women usually become inelastic and stiff. This is due to the lack of their training.

After prolonged abstinence for this reason, many women may even experience pain during intercourse. Their muscles simply lose their ability to relax over time.

7. Increased pain threshold

Lack of sex also negatively affects a woman's tolerance for pain. It was noticed that the fair sex, who do not have a partner, very often drink various kinds of pain relievers. Even, for example, a slight headache with a mild cold may seem unbearable to them.

It also happens because of the lack of the hormones estrogen and oxytocin in the woman's body. These substances are capable of dulling pain sensations, among other things.


8. Soreness and deterioration in appearance

Women who are not sexually active get sick very often. Scientists have noticed that during sex in the human body, the amount of antiviral antibodies increases by 30%. That is, sex can also increase a woman's immunity.

Worsening in the absence of regular sex life in the fair sex and appearance. Such women usually look older than their years. This happens because their body simply does not have enough collagen released during sex.

Also, women who are not sexually active often have to deal with acne and skin rashes. Such ladies quickly sag their breasts and become flabby muscles. This is explained by the lack of progesterone produced during sex in the body.
