The mind, according to the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov, is a person's ability to think, the basis of a conscious and intelligent life. Smart people easily navigate the events that are taking place, gracefully get out of difficult life situations. How do you know that you are an intelligent woman?

An intelligent woman - what is she like?
An intelligent, highly educated, intellectually developed woman is always in the spotlight. It is interesting to communicate with her, she is full of new ideas and plans. The advice of an intelligent woman is reasonable, balanced, she is able to look at the situation from different points of view.
An intelligent woman remembers that men don't like to feel stupid. Therefore, in certain situations, when it is necessary to impress a man, to give him the opportunity to relax and feel the smartest, the intellectual can recede into the background. The ability to understand people and find a common language with them is inherent in a woman with a high level of intelligence.
Self-criticism and introspection are the hallmarks of a thinking person. How to figure out if you meet the title of "smart woman" and what else can you work on in terms of personal development?
Signs of an intelligent woman
1. A smart woman thinks all the time.
There is no emptiness in her head. She mentally comments on each of her actions, reasoning, predicting the consequences of her decisions. When it is necessary to make a choice, she conducts an internal dialogue with herself. This habit allows you not to commit rash acts, to keep your life under control.
2. An intelligent woman has a rich vocabulary.
She reads a lot and is well versed in her professional field. Constantly developing, an intelligent woman is interested in the peculiarities of the modern development of other professions, new technologies. She monitors the political situation. Her erudition allows her to conduct intellectual conversations on various topics. An intelligent woman is a pleasant and interesting conversationalist.
3. A smart woman is curious.
She has a wide range of interests. An unusual fact, a new word give rise to her need to find information. With a variety of opportunities for the rapid acquisition of new knowledge in the modern world, an intelligent woman is constantly evolving. At the same time, she tries to receive quality information. Smart films, serious books, scientific articles are more preferable for her than serials and tabloids. An intelligent woman loves and appreciates intellectual humor.
4. An intelligent woman plans her life.
She perfectly understands that it is difficult to move through life without clear guidelines. She has a plan not only for tomorrow, but also defined the main goals in life. She regularly checks all her actions against these goals, determining whether she is moving in the right direction. She also remembers that the goal written on paper is achieved faster.
5. A smart woman communicates with smart people.
She seeks to communicate with people who have an equal or superior level of intellectual development. Constantly developing, she reaches out for smarter people, adopting their knowledge. All friends of an intelligent woman are highly intelligent.
6. An intelligent woman perfects her mind and body.
She understands that a high-quality, fulfilling life is possible only with physical and mental health. These are important components of her life, which an intelligent woman pays due attention to. Regular sports activities, going to museums and theaters, reading literary novelties for her are no less important than training her mental abilities.
7. An intelligent woman has a well-developed logic.
She easily solves logical problems and draws the correct conclusions in tasks with ingenuity. This allows her to easily cope with unforeseen situations, quickly respond to changes in the environment.
Her whole life is logically thought out, all the components are interconnected.
Why do you need to be smart?
In our age of scientific and technological progress, the rapid development of new technologies, in the age of intelligence, you can still hear arguments about whether a woman needs a mind. There can be only one answer to it: yes!
An intelligent woman is liked by others. She is proud of herself. And for her life partner, this is also a reason for pride.
It is prestigious to be an intelligent woman. Career growth, material stability, confidence in the future are highly rated in the modern world.
An intelligent woman is authoritative. Not only households, friends and acquaintances listen to her. She is appreciated at work as a professional, her opinion is respected and taken into account when making decisions.
Intelligence, a high level of development of intellectual abilities is a powerful female weapon. An intelligent woman influences her behavior and the behavior of those around her, makes the right decisions. She can be gentle and strong, weak and courageous. An intelligent woman is positive, which allows her to see the positive, even when she is in trouble.
An intelligent woman is able to rationally build her life, find a place for love, creativity and happiness in it.