Sexual maturity can make a woman and her partner truly happy in their personal lives. For everyone, it occurs at different periods and there are no uniform age standards. But there are certain signs by which one can understand whether a woman has matured sexually.

Some men find sexually mature women more attractive than young girls. Such ladies are able not only to experience pleasure from intimacy, but also to give it to a partner. There are other reasons that lead men to look for older partners. Sexologists have identified 7 main signs of a sexually mature woman.
Is friendly to the opposite sex
In relationships between boys and girls, there are periods of sexual aggression. Normally, this stage should take place at school age. But often one has to deal with a somewhat hostile and wary attitude of young girls towards guys. This can be caused by improper upbringing or inability to behave.
A sexually mature woman perceives a man as a friend. She perfectly understands that he also feels, worries. She does not take the position of "mommy", worrying that the chosen one will not cope with something. This stage is usually a thing of the past. Young girls make such a mistake, and mature women already have some experience and an understanding that excessive custody or hostility will not benefit the relationship.
Easily meets a man
A sexually mature woman makes contact easily. If she sees that a man is showing sympathy, and at the same time experiences similar feelings, she has no problem in reciprocating. Mature ladies do not hesitate to talk about their feelings, express their interest. This is one of their advantages over young girls. At a young age, many have misconceptions about the relationship between the sexes. It seems to girls that they should be sought, while they themselves demonstrate coldness and inaccessibility. A man in such a situation is lost, because he does not understand whether the woman likes it or not. Fearing rejection, he does not show himself or retreats.
Initiates intimacy or accepts an invitation from a partner
A sexually mature woman often initiates intimacy herself or responds to a man's invitation. She perfectly understands the language of an invitation to intimacy. Each couple has its own and manifests itself in the manner of dressing, in postures, gestures, words, intonations, looks or touches. Often it is because of misunderstanding or unwillingness to understand this language that relationships do not develop. If a man hugs a girl, strokes her on the shoulder or looks at her with eyes burning with passion, and she does not react to this in any way, he has an unconscious fear that prevents him from moving on. This does not happen with a sexually mature woman. She does not pretend that she does not understand the desires of her partner, and very often she initiates intimacy herself. She does not consider it shameful that she also wants sex.

Knows his body and loves it
A sexually mature woman knows her body very well and allows a man to touch herself without setting any framework or restrictions. She gives herself to the sensations and does not feel embarrassed or embarrassed about a not quite ideal figure or poorly done depilation. A sexually mature woman has a fairly high self-esteem and this attracts men.
Ready to experiment
A sexually mature woman is ready for experiments, and for her it is, first of all, interest in herself and her partner. She does not follow the lead of a man, agreeing to something new, but she herself feels the need for it. At the same time, she remains in contact with herself, listens to her own feelings.
Knows how to guess the desires of a partner
A sexually mature woman understands that all men are different. With experience comes the ability to guess the desires of a partner. The stereotyped notions that all members of the stronger sex in bed like the same things are a thing of the past. A mature woman realizes that intimacy is not only sexual intercourse, but also bodily contact.
Is able to give up intimacy without offending a man
A mature woman does not strive to be a super sex bomb who is always ready for intimacy. If she has no mood or desire, strength, she calmly brings this to her partner, doing it as tactfully and gently as possible so as not to offend her chosen one. A mature woman also respects the feelings of her man. She will never insist on intimacy, take offense if the loved one is not in the mood.