Love is a complex feeling, and a person's sex appeal plays a significant role in it. At the same time, there is such a phenomenon as platonic love. The question of how you can love a person if he is not attracted in terms of sex is not so simple.

Platonic love
Platonic love is an idealized, sublime relationship based on spiritual understanding, without the slightest admixture of "base passions". Sensuality in such a relationship is absent, people do not experience physical attraction.
The term was introduced by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, in whose writings various types of love were described, including platonic and erotic. The theme received a new development during the high revival in Italy.
However, platonic love means something different, it is not at all the same as conjugal love. At all times, it was believed that conjugal love should have a carnal, sexual aspect. In the Middle Ages, when divorce was generally not allowed by the church, the fact that one of the spouses was not capable of sex was still a good reason. Only in this case was it possible to divorce. It turns out that for a long time people believed that sexual relations are an indispensable aspect of love.
Is there love without attraction
If you like a person, you feel good with him, you have many common topics for conversation and you enjoy spending time with him - such a relationship can be called emotional attachment or friendship, but not love. Perhaps it's just sympathy.
Love has a complex nature, it has many aspects. In addition to spiritual understanding and closeness, there is also a biochemical side to this feeling, and it is important. People choose their partners, largely focusing on the sensations of their bodies. If you ignore them, you can, of course, find a person with whom you will have a great time, you can even live a pleasant life with him, but you should understand that you are depriving yourself of something very important by ignoring your sexual desire.
Entering into such a relationship, you are very risky. One day it may well happen that you meet a person with whom there will be both spiritual understanding and sexual understanding. To give up this feeling in the name of something not so complete is to partly betray your own feelings and emotions. And to follow the feeling is to betray a loved one. Nevertheless, when choosing a partner, it is better to evaluate both sides of your feelings: both spiritual and sexual.
It happens that the lack of sexual desire is not due to the fact that the person does not suit you, but with any hormonal or nervous disorders. For example, depression and metabolic problems negatively affect libido. If you are sure that you have found your person, but the level of attraction to him is low, it is recommended to check with a doctor if you currently have health problems.