The child gradually needs to be prepared for an independent adult life. It is important that he knows how to maintain personal hygiene, keep the house clean and prepare food. Then he will be your real assistant.

Step 1
Start teaching your child small. Ask a toddler under six to help you when you cook. Give him a nice apron.
Have your child wash the vegetables or serve you something. Ask him to sort out the cereal or stir something. The kid will love stirring and sculpting the dough.
Involve your child in cooking gradually. Try to arouse his interest in this activity. Helping you prepare food shouldn't be a burden for the child. Let him have fun, for this you can transform cooking into a fun gameplay.
After cooking, be sure to let your child taste the fruits of your common labor. You can try different ingredients as you cook.
Step 2
Give your child more challenging activities when they are seven years old. Now he can participate in the cooking process almost on an equal footing with you, but he must understand that you are the main cook, whom you need to obey in everything.
Choose simple recipes to cook with your child. The dish shouldn't take too long to cook, because your child can't wait to taste it.
The child should feel like your helper, understand the responsibility of the affairs that are entrusted to him.
Now the child can learn to use a knife, make sandwiches on his own. Explain to him in the course of cooking lunch with him in what proportions the products are taken for various dishes.
Step 3
Instruct your child to cook a simple dish by himself when he is already ten years old. If he watched you cook, helped you from early childhood, now he is quite ready for independent cooking. Let him ask you how to perform this or that action, and consult with you during the preparation of the dish.