"There must be a mystery in a woman" - we have heard this phrase more than once. However, this does not mean at all that one should always be silent and walk with a mysterious look, in which case the girl may be mistaken for a little crazy.

Regardless of who the girl is communicating with at the moment, be it her husband, lover, colleague, friend or just a nice neighbor, there are things that are strictly forbidden to say and tell.
Sometimes, in order to show off their attractiveness and demand, girls tell how many men pay attention to them, how many sexual partners there were, how good it was with them, or, conversely, not very much, etc. This topic is taboo, at most you can discuss this with your closest friend. It is not necessary to expand on the topic of the first man: who he is, where and when this important event for the girl took place.
The behavior, appearance, habits of the interlocutor's mother are strictly prohibited from discussion. After all, almost every man worships a parent and is very attached to her.
You should not criticize other representatives of the stronger sex in the presence of a man, call them stupid, stupid, weak, etc. In a man's head, the thought can firmly settle that he is also being spoken about behind his back.
You should not discuss new cosmetics, perfumes, promotions and sales in stores with a man. Most of them are not interested, and some are annoying.
In no case should you praise other men in the presence of a male interlocutor, this greatly hurts their pride.
Health problems are non-negotiable, the maximum you can share with your beloved husband, without going into details.