A close relationship presupposes a certain frankness: often partners can say whatever they want to each other. At the same time, there are several things that should never be said to a man.

Touch his mom
Relationship with a mother-in-law - potential or already present - for many women becomes one of the most difficult topics. Even in the most ideal stories, there will certainly be roughnesses and mutual claims. The mother-in-law can annoy even with phrases or insignificant actions. You can discuss all this with your parents or girlfriends as much as you like, however, it is categorically impossible to tell a man about his mother anything with a hint of negativity. For representatives of the stronger sex, mother is often the main "shrine", a reference point and a measure of many things.
It is much worse if a bad relationship develops with the mother of a husband or boyfriend. The mother-in-law can really interfere with your family life, spoil your mood and even do outright nasty things. However, even in such difficult situations, it is forbidden to speak negatively about this woman. Especially if your spouse looks adoringly at this same "shrew" who just spoke unflatteringly about your culinary skills or scolded you for dust on furniture. If you want to turn the tide, act delicately, with hints and cunning.
Discuss his sexual performance
If you intend to live with a man for many years, but he does not satisfy you sexually, you have two options. The first is to part with him. This sounds outrageous and is rather the exception, since there are many ways to change the situation. This is the second option. It takes a lot of time, patience, tact, and even cunning. After all, this is the very case when a man should never be told the truth. Hearing an unflattering comment about your sexual abilities or the amount of dignity is a real tragedy for a man.
If something does not suit you, you need to be extremely delicate. Start with hints and jokes. Gradually move on to frank conversations. If the situation can be changed, it is in your power, but criticizing a man in sex means destroying all chances of harmony in bed.
Compare him to his ex
The fact that there was another partner (or several) in your life is already unpleasant for the current man. He will probably want to feel himself, if not the first, then the only one. That is why any reminders of your ex should be ruled out. But the biggest crime is comparing your man to them. This should not be done even in his favor, even in small things, even as a joke. Talk about previous relationships in a neutral, simple way, and try to do so as little as possible. If you risk in some way comparing a man with an ex, he will definitely remember this, speculate in details and give you in an exaggerated form at the first quarrel.
By the way, it is not recommended to admire with your life partner not only your ex-boyfriends, but any men in general, be it Leonardo DiCaprio or your neighbor Vasya.
Share physiological details
Long and close relationships involve a high degree of intimacy. It is quite possible that you want to share the most intimate with your loved one, and this is good. It is bad if this intimate concerns the physiological details of your body or the nuances of health. It is not at all worth telling your man about the nature of the discharge or the suddenly festering gums: it is better to tell the gynecologist and dentist about these ailments, respectively. Of course, it is simply necessary to talk about some serious illness that requires a long speech, but it is not necessary to report on the little things that are eliminated in a couple of days.

You should not devote a man to the essence of the cosmetic procedures that you undergo. Some women, however, demonstrate how carefully they take care of their appearance and how much resources they invest in it. However, a man hardly wants to be aware of anti-cellulite massages and fillers in the nasolabial folds. Better let him think that all your beauty is natural.
Doubt his abilities
"This business is too tough for you."
"You probably won't be able to fix it yourself."
"You can't handle a kid on your own."
"Do not go to that area, you may be robbed there"
These and dozens of other similar phrases may be absolutely true. However, it is categorically impossible to pronounce them in relation to your man: even if it is dictated by your concern, your partner will perceive everything differently. You will let him know that you doubt his abilities - mental or physical. Even if he internally agrees with such statements, hearing them from your lips will be too offensive for him. Doubt or worried? Try to get the man to avoid a difficult situation for him. In all other cases, just do not stand pessimistic assumptions.