To find out what kind of father a man will be, just watch him a little. His attitude towards others and his behavior will help to understand his psychology.

Behavior will prompt
"People meet, people fall in love, get married" - is sung in the famous pop song, in which there is not a word about the continuation of the relationship. They often end with a wedding. And after her, the children are not far away. However, with all the love and the romance that accompanies it, the thought of the appearance of an heir or heiress in the family can overshadow one important question for a woman: what kind of father will her chosen one be for their children?
But, as psychologists assure, there should be no cause for concern in this case. After all, it is quite simple to find out: it is enough just to take a closer look at your young man, whose attitude towards others and whose behavior will certainly give the necessary answer.
Signs of a good father
Experts in male psychology note that there are certain signs, the presence of which will tell a woman what kind of father this or that man will be. Among the main ones, there are nine such “criteria”.
1. He's a homebody
If a man prefers to spend most of his free time at home, with his family, this is a good indicator. Usually he testifies that in the future this young (or not so) person will not mind working with the child at home, instead of having fun with friends. Such a man is worth taking a closer look at. But if he loves entertainment in fun companies, he is unlikely to make a good father. Although exceptions to the rule, although rare, still exist.
2. He's a cartoon lover
Can your chosen one sit in front of the TV (computer) watching cartoons for several hours in a row? Excellent! This means that he can safely find a common language with the child. So do not scold your lover for cartoons: this hobby can perfectly play into your hands.
3. He is caring
If a man does not hesitate to show his emotions and express feelings, if he takes care of his family and friends, those around him, do not hesitate - he will not only be a good husband, but also a wonderful, attentive and caring father.
4. He is not the only one in the family
If the man in the family was not the only child, this is a good sign. As a rule, such children know how to take care of others, be attentive, and sometimes very independent. Especially if they have younger siblings. This means that such a man will be able to change the diaper without any problems (at least once in his life out of interest he did it, or tried to do it) and change the sliders and feed them. It will be possible to entrust the baby to such a person without any problems. After all, earlier, with the appearance of his younger siblings, he had already gone through a kind of "young fighter course".
5. He helps around the house
If a man helps his darling with housework, cooking, then with the appearance of a baby, he will certainly take an active part in feeding him, swaddling, bathing. Such men usually become very good fathers.
6. It is stress-resistant
If a man knows how to "keep himself in hand": he does not break down over trifles, does not raise his voice, does not shout, it is difficult to piss him off, and remains calm in almost any situation, you are in luck. This means that he will perfectly tolerate the baby's cry and the postpartum state of his mother. And this is a good quality for a father.
7. He's not against change
Is your chosen one ready for any experiments? Perfect! As a rule, such people endure problems with firmness and accept any changes well. And with the advent of a child, changes in the family will surely occur.
8. He loves children
You can judge what kind of a man will be a father by his attitude towards children. These can be relatives, children of friends and acquaintances. If a man shows interest in them, knows how to find a common language with them, interest them, involve them in the game, can calm down a crying neighbor's child, most likely, he will have complete order with his baby in this regard.

9. He is ready to become a father
Does the man himself hint at the child, openly says that he wants to become a father? Does he look at other children with interest, pay attention to children's things and toys? This is a good sign. Such behavior indicates the readiness of your chosen one for a new role - the role of a father.
Qualities of a good father
A good father can be a role model for a child. He is kind, but moderately strict. I am ready to educate children. In difficult situations, he does not give up, but looks for solutions. Calmly copes with tantrums and whims. Always keeps promises. And he is often an authority for his child.