Being a parent is not easy, and being a good parent is even more difficult. But is it really so? How to recognize a good parent in yourself? How to raise a child correctly?

Parenting is not easy. Every parent wants to be perfect for their child, but more often than not, what mom or dad thinks is right reflects badly on their child.
Excessive custody and constant control, intimidation, punishment by silence, disrespect for personal space, the imposition of hobbies that are not interesting to the baby are just some of the signs that are characteristic of toxic relationships or toxic parents. In such families, children are constantly under stress, experiencing psychological discomfort.

So how do you know what to look for when raising a child and what is worth working on? How to Become a Good Parent?
Good parents:
- know how to control their emotions and actions;
- can financially support their child, since they have a steady income;
- do not impose their interests on the baby;
- able to put themselves in the child's shoes;
- protect their child from bad acquaintances;
- teach you how to deal with your fears;
- develop good qualities in themselves;
- fully answer children's questions.
However, all this is still not enough to become an exemplary parent. There are signs by which you can be sure that mom and dad do not make serious mistakes in raising their child and are good parents.
1. The child learns from his mistakes
For educational purposes, it is useful from time to time to give the child the opportunity to learn something from his own mistakes. However, this does not mean that it should be completely left unattended and the health of the baby is endangered. Parents need to be in control of the situation, but remain cool enough not to take matters into their own hands at the last moment and prevent a life lesson.
2. Parents realize that their child is a person
A good parent respects their child's privacy and allows him to do what interests him. Moreover, a good parent can help a child in his hobbies.

Does your kid like to draw? Do not limit him in this. Give him paints, brushes and a large sheet of paper. Even if a child is all at once all soiled in paint, there is no need to worry about his appearance and distract from creativity - perhaps in the future he will become a brilliant artist.
3. The child observes safety rules when parents are not around
One of the main goals of every parent is to teach their child safety rules. When parents are busy with household chores, and children are in another room and take precautions, this is an excellent indicator that all the information received on safety rules has not passed on children's ears. A good parent will make every effort to successfully cope with this task.
4. Mom and Dad set a good example for the child
Each person has their own flaws. If one of the parents smokes, but at the same time tries to explain to his child that smoking is harmful to health and tobacco is intended only for adults, the child is unlikely to believe it. Parents are an authority for the baby, so his attitude to certain things will depend on what example his mom and dad set for him.

Don't forget the fact that children absorb information like a sponge. How to convey to the child about the dangers of smoking, teach how to wash hands after pets and walks? Show this by example, for example, by quitting smoking - this is exactly what good parents do.
This also includes the relationship of the parents. As mom and dad relate to each other, so the child in the future will relate to his soul mate. Good parenting relationships will help create a good family for their child in the future. Therefore, it is important that mom and dad are always on good terms with each other, even if it comes to divorce. In no case should a child be allowed to see his parents swear, and even more so, fight if the quarrel turned into assault.
5. Parents support the child when he is wrong
Does the child lose interest in learning, for example, by making mistakes? Is he sure that he will only fail in any business? How to raise his self-esteem? Very simple! You just need to support the child and show by your own example that mom and dad are also wrong, but do not give up and continue to move towards the goal - this is exactly what exemplary parents do. It will not be superfluous to praise the baby for his success.
6. Parents sometimes host family dinners
Family dinner is one of the hallmarks of good parenting. At the same time, it is very important that neither children nor parents "stick" in their gadgets. These family dinners have a positive effect on children.

According to statistics, it is in such families that children have higher self-esteem, better school performance, less propensity to smoke and drink alcohol.
7. Sometimes children get angry with their parents
From time to time, children are angry with their parents for the fact that they control their studies, demand respect for the elders, protect the younger and the weak, prohibit swearing with swear words, and deny pleasures for wrongdoing. Every child psychologically needs parental control, but children do not always perceive such restrictions adequately.
8. Mom or Dad thinks they are a bad parent
More often than not, parents who consider themselves ideal actually make many mistakes in upbringing. And those who consider themselves a bad parent, on the contrary, bring up their children correctly. Don't be too hard on yourself or constantly question your parenting methods.
9. Even in the absence of parents, children behave with dignity
If, in the absence of parents nearby, the child does not succumb to negative pressure from peers, for example, does not throw stones at pigeons, does not offend the weak when his classmates do this, mom and dad can be proud of themselves. It takes a lot of effort to instill morality and good principles in your child. Not every parent succeeds in this, because the child is influenced not only by parents and relatives, but also by those who surround the child in kindergarten and school.
10. The child has no doubts that mom and dad love him
For a child, there is nothing better than feeling protected and loved by their parents. If the baby knows that mom and dad love him, will not stop loving him under any circumstances and will always be able to protect him, it is safe to say that he has exemplary parents. Therefore, it is important to tell the child that he is loved, to hug him, to give him enough attention.

11. Parents have their own interests, desires and goals
Good parents have passions, goals, and desires that they don't forget. Good parents know not to fully immerse themselves in the lives of their children, as this can lead to the fact that the child will grow up to be a helpless selfish person.
However, it most often happens that after the birth of a child, parents completely devote themselves to their child, which affects him badly. To avoid future problems, you need to take action now. You need to find hobbies for yourself, start meeting with friends and girlfriends again, visit interesting places in the city or the nearest nature reserves, where you can go with your whole family to relax, and so on.
By these simple signs, you can recognize yourself as an exemplary parent.