The Parents' Committee is an association of parents of students who, with their organized actions, help teachers in organizing various events.

What is the parent committee
As a rule, the parent committee is elected from the very beginning of the school year and for the entire period of time (1 year). It may include parents of students who have expressed their own voluntary desire to participate in the life of the class, or parents chosen by general agreement.
The chairman is an important position in such a structure, he is elected taking into account all the positive qualities at the first meeting of the entire committee. Parents who are part of the organization have the right to demand detailed reporting from him. As in any other organization, the committee has its own orders and responsibilities, the most important of which are:
- assistance in establishing contact between the class teacher and the team of students' parents;
- promoting the promotion of parents together in children, in this structure;
- stimulating both the promotion of the younger generation of young people and their responsibility;
- making proposals on improving the educational process, directly in the institution itself.
Organization of work of the parent committee
As time shows, clear, well-coordinated work, which is taken with the utmost seriousness of the issue, usually bears fruit. In addition to the duties of the chairman, there is a place in the committee for the treasurer, whose duties are to collect funds for the needs of the institution. The treasurer carries out his work, thereby making life in the best possible way for the students themselves. He is also obliged to report on all operations, entering them into the cost estimate.
As a rule, meetings of such a council are held on average 2-3 times a quarter, if necessary, there are more often. The documents confirming the actions of all committee members are some kind of certain records, which include the minutes of the parent committee meetings, the committee's work plan and some others.
The Parents' Committee quite often collects funds for various events. However, some people have a question about whether they must necessarily donate money in this case.
People living in Russia are obliged to do only what the law tells them to do. The obligation to hand over money to the parent committee is not spelled out in any document, therefore, according to all provisions, it is obvious that this matter depends on the voluntary desire of everyone.
If you decide to give money to the parent committee, you must remember that there are only voluntary contributions of personal capital for the development of a class or other educational institution. Among other things, an educational institution can be provided with non-material assistance, for example, assistance in organizing work (washing floors, painting walls, ceilings); help of students (duty at school, cleaning of the territory).