How To Understand That A Woman Is Lacking Sex

How To Understand That A Woman Is Lacking Sex
How To Understand That A Woman Is Lacking Sex

The fairly widespread belief that women, unlike men, can do fine without sex is extremely mistaken. For the fair sex, of course, it is easier to overcome desire, but a prolonged lack of intimacy will affect not only the woman's behavior, but also her appearance.

How to understand that a woman is lacking in sex
How to understand that a woman is lacking in sex

First, let's give some examples of behavior.

First, irritability and anger. This is the first sign of a lack of sex. A person becomes irritable due to the lack of a hormone - endorphin. This hormone is released during sex. Without it, both men and women will vent their anger at others.

Secondly, he is constantly ill. It has been found that sex increases the amount of antiviral antibodies by more than 30%, which means that a person who has a regular sex life has stronger immunity.

Third, he drinks pain relievers. This point partly follows from the second, but in addition to everything, oxytocin and estrogen are released during sex - they dull pain.

Fourth, forgetfulness. Thanks to sex, the blood is better saturated with oxygen, which then enters the brain - this helps to improve memory and concentration.

Fifth, notoriousness. Say what you like, but sex helps to increase self-esteem. In its absence, a woman is looking for flaws in herself.

Now a few points about the change in appearance.

Firstly, she didn't get enough sleep. A woman, with a prolonged absence of sex, can toss and turn for a long time at night. This is due to the lack of the hormone oxytocin.

Secondly, skin inflammation. The hormone progesterone relieves the skin of the face from acne. This hormone is actively produced during sex.

Third, it is old. During sex, collagen is also produced, which makes the skin smoother and more pleasant to the touch.
