In the development of a child, sooner or later, there comes a period when he becomes more independent. This also applies to the nutritional process. Teaching a child to eat on their own is not so easy and requires some effort on the part of the parents.

There should be no strict rules in the learning process. One has only to adhere to some principles.
- Eat with the whole family. All children love to repeat after adults, and if your baby sees how the whole family eats, then at some point he will want to repeat.
- It is necessary to adhere to a certain time for eating. It is advisable to accustom to independence every day.
- At the time of training, it is better for the child to cook those dishes that he prefers.
- If the child is tired while eating, help him. To do this, feed him yourself, because the child spends a large amount of his energy.
- The child should have their own separate furniture and utensils. Better if it is plastic.
- Be prepared for the child to throw and spit food, stain walls and surrounding objects. The understanding of neatness and cleanliness will come to the baby later, do not scold him for this.
- If the child is sick, then the learning process must be postponed until complete recovery.
- Praise your child, even for small successes.
If, after your attempts, the child refuses to eat on his own, do not insist. Wait a few days and re-offer.