A year ago, a child appeared in this world and in 12 months has come a long way - from a helpless lump to a conscious little man, with his own character, habits and desires. Infancy ends and childhood begins, making it happy is the task of a loving parent.

Raising a one-year-old child
At one year old, the baby is already aware of himself as a separate being, manifesting his own "I", so this age is the time to start the upbringing process. At the same time, parents should be flexible, try to come to an agreement with the baby, talk to him as much as possible, explaining all their decisions. Many actions can be accompanied by children's poems and jokes.
The physical and mental development of the baby should begin with the establishment of a new regime. A one-year-old baby usually sleeps less, while retaining one day's sleep. It is important to walk daily with the child 2 times a day for 1, 5 - 2 hours, giving him the opportunity to touch dry leaves, small stones, etc., since tactile sensations are important for him.
In a year, the child actively tries his own abilities, moving freely around the house, climbing on a ladder, sofa or chairs. It is important to show him how to get down from there. This age is a good time for accustoming to self-feeding, the child can already quite confidently hold a spoon, even though half of the porridge remains on the table. It's also time to potty and discipline your toddler. You can involve your child in simple tasks: collect torn paper with him, fold toys, take dirty clothes to the bathroom. The main thing is not to put pressure on the child and not force him to do what he is not interested in, so as not to provoke a backlash.
Educational games
In the summer, you can often play with your baby in the sandbox, and in the winter you can build an impromptu sandbox using cereals, which can be poured from one container to another with pens or a spoon.
For the development of fine motor skills, it is necessary to give the child the opportunity to play with objects of different sizes, shapes, and textures. Various jars, boxes, vials, bottles, scraps of cloth, sticks, pebbles, etc. will do. Games with loose materials, pasta, beans, beads, buttons and other items are good. For example, they can be placed in and removed from the egg cartons. The main thing is to make sure that the baby does not send them into the mouth.
Swimming can be diversified by playing in the water: pouring water from a glass into a wider container, catching objects floating in the water with handles or a strainer.
For drawing, it is better to use large paper, at least A3.
One year old - it's time to start drawing. Oil pastels or wax crayons are best. Give one crayon to the baby, and start driving the other on the sheet of paper. The child will try to repeat the drawn lines. It is not necessary to draw animals or men for now, let it be straight and wavy lines, simple geometric shapes. Draw the child's attention to the color and ask him to help you.