How To Develop The Memory Of A Preschool Child

How To Develop The Memory Of A Preschool Child
How To Develop The Memory Of A Preschool Child

The fact that a preschool child has a good memory is actually the key to his success in school. It is necessary to start developing a child's memory from early childhood. But how to train a kid's memory? Of course, through the game!

Development of memory of a preschooler child
Development of memory of a preschooler child

Types of memory and their features

Physiologically, there are two types of memory: voluntary and involuntary. According to the analyzer that a person perceives and remembers information about the world around him, memory is divided into auditory, visual, tactile (memorization with the help of touch), emotional and verbal-logical (memorizing speech and understanding the meaning of what was said). All these processes are closely related.

In preschool children, memory is just being formed. All babies have an innate ability to memorize and involuntary memory, which is of a short-term nature, but it is possible and necessary to work on the formation of voluntary memorization. It is a good memory that further contributes to the harmonious development of the child's personality.

Games for the development of memory in a child

The main occupation of a preschooler is playing. It is with the help of play activities that you can develop a child's memory. To train your auditory memory, the What Sounds Like game is perfect. Use any improvised objects that make noise and various sounds. Listen to how this or that object sounds with your baby. Then invite your child to close their eyes and determine which object you are using.

You can develop a child's visual memory with the help of the game “What is gone”. The game is universal, suitable for children from three to six years old. Take your favorite children's toys and place them in front of your child. Let him remember their location. Then invite your toddler to close their eyes and remove one or more toys. Opening his eyes, the child must determine what is gone. The game can be complicated by offering to remember the color of objects, their exact location or number.

Games promote the development of the child's memory
Games promote the development of the child's memory

You can develop associative memory in a child with the help of the game "What it looks like". Show the kid any object from his environment. Suggest to name the objects that it resembles in color, shape, material, and other features. This game can be played everywhere: on a walk, in a store, at a party and even on long trips. In addition to the formation of memory, it contributes to the development of observation and enrichment of the child's speech stock.

Books are very useful for developing a child's auditory memory. Learning or repeating small passages after parents stimulates the brain regions that are responsible for the formation of speech and intelligence. Younger preschool children can be encouraged to memorize several words in a row and try to reproduce them. Also try to name a couple of words, and the child will draw a picture of the path in which these words will be. So, in addition to training your memory, you will also get your hands ready for writing.

If you decide to seriously engage in the development of memory in a child, remember: the process should be fun and interesting for the baby himself. This is the only way you will achieve good results.
