For a child to develop correctly and harmoniously, parents should help him in this. There are many powerful exercises for developing memory and attention.

Excellent memory and attentiveness will become the key to success for the child in future studies and even work. That is why parents of the baby should pay special attention to their development. Classes with the child for the development of memory and attention should be regular and systematic. Simple and fun exercises will help in this.
1) Draw small pictures together on a piece of paper. Have the child look at them for a couple of minutes. Then take the second sheet and ask him to reproduce the drawings in the same order.
2) Draw numbers from 1 to 50 on a large Whatman paper. Let each number be a different color, size and texture. When you finish drawing, try to count from 1 to 50 and vice versa. Due to the different types of numbers, it will be difficult to do this. This exercise is great for developing visual memory. The resulting drawing paper with numbers can be used repeatedly.
3) Learn short poems, fables and proverbs. This can be done while playing an interesting game. Or even acting out scenes.
4) In the evening, discuss the events of the day. Develop your child's associative memory. To do this, ask him not only about the events of the day, but also smells, colors, melodies, tastes that he felt.