If you are firmly convinced that your dear spouse has found happiness on the side and do not even mind continuing to lead an active sex life there, forgetting all wedding vows, do not rush to chop the sinner into a hodgepodge.

After all, even from treason, you can benefit if you respond to it correctly. Incorporate age-old feminine wisdom and make a strategic plan to subdue the cheater.
Set aside your tears
The first and most useless thing that all deceived wives usually do is tantrum and sobbing. It's not that you won't help grief with tears, but, most likely, you will aggravate the situation as a whole, consolidating your reputation as a hysterical. You need a cool head and a clear mind to do justice and punish everyone involved in a love triangle. Focus on the current situation. It is no longer so important what he found in "this prostitute" and how he could, because for him "borscht / socks / enemas / add a suitable action." Could and period. Gather your emotions into a fist and take action.
Be proactive
As a rule, men fall into a catatonic stupor, realizing that the spouse is in no hurry to burn it along with the property, having learned about the betrayal. The more cold-blooded you behave, the more likely you are to drain your opponent. Begin to behave the same way - get, if not a lover, then at least an imaginary boyfriend. Pretend that they call you in the evenings, stay late at work and come in the morning "from a friend" in full dress and with a bouquet of flowers. Men are creepy owners. And while he is tormented by jealousy, you can easily switch his attention to your person, and the mistress will only bite her elbows.
Crush in the bud
The only way guaranteed to stop any attempts to walk to the left is to forcefully and uncompromisingly crush treason in the bud. Found a timidly nascent correspondence between two love doves? Take a hypothetical larger shovel and hammer figuratively along the backbone. Not all men are fools, so they don't always want to lose their family because of ghostly sex on the side. The power of attraction of native borscht is stronger than the ephemeral charms of a distant beauty. The more powerful the scandal, the higher the likelihood that your man will firmly assimilate a simple and clear message that threatens with big problems. After all, they are all a little wolves in their souls, who sometimes look into the forest, but they are afraid of a shot in the ass.