How To Ask For An Apology

How To Ask For An Apology
How To Ask For An Apology

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Every person in his life has probably asked for forgiveness at least once. It goes without saying that it is better to live without quarrels, but we are so arranged that we sometimes like to offend and be offended. But in the end, we come to the conclusion that we got excited, and therefore we need to ask for forgiveness. This can go through several scenarios.

How to ask for an apology
How to ask for an apology


Step 1

Begging for forgiveness for a long time with tears, wringing your hands and banging your head against the wall is suitable in cases where the offense can be called trifling. The person sulks, but at the same time realizes that the offense will soon pass. This way of apologizing is more suitable for making the offended laugh. After all, laughing is always easier to return to your old relationship.

Step 2

In no case do not put an envelope with the amount under the pillow of the offended person. It will be much easier and more effective to simply show care and attention by making or buying something pleasant for the offended person. Anyone loves gifts, but if you angered him so much that he refuses to accept your gifts or help, do not despair. The fact that you have already taken a step towards reconciliation will be credited to you. It’s much better if you donate something than sit in a corner and do nothing. It is likely that your gift will still be accepted. The main thing is to show a little patience.

Step 3

Write a letter, or just an SMS. In writing, apologies are much easier than verbal ones, because in a letter we can try and prepare our speech. Your message will either be read several times (which is good), or simply deleted. Therefore, after a written apology should be followed by an oral one to prove your sincerity.

Step 4

Just go to the person offended by you and say the banal “Forgive me”, admit that you were wrong, calmly listen to all the reproaches, admit the correctness of the interlocutor and try to improve in the future.

Step 5

Not everyone can easily find this word "Forgive", especially if it needs to be said to a loved one. But you can just show that you are repentant - with sighs, sad looks, silence. People who do not know how to ask for forgiveness are the hardest of all - they are very upset and reproach themselves for what they did. It happens that it is the offended side that begins to reassure such people.

Step 6

Alternatively, you can pretend to be hurt yourself. And then a struggle of characters begins, in which a softer person will give way. However, the struggle can last for years. The most important thing is to want reconciliation, then the right words will be found by themselves.
