Why Kids Like Black

Why Kids Like Black
Why Kids Like Black

Drawing can be called one of the favorite activities of young children. Many aspects of children's drawing are considered by psychologists as material for analysis. One such aspect is the choice of black or other dark shades. Children are not always able to explain the motives of their actions, and parents begin to panic completely in vain. The preference for black may have completely normal reasons.

Why kids like black
Why kids like black

Black does not mean gloomy

Children try to make their surroundings bright, contrasting, to emphasize themselves and what they are doing in this world as much as possible. Therefore, they choose black when drawing, because they usually draw on a white background - a sheet of paper. If, out of many T-shirts, the baby is drawn to black, this does not mean that he is depressed, experiences negative emotions or worries about some reason. It's just that for his white skin, this is also the most contrasting option. So it is with all objects in his environment.

In another case, the choice of the child is determined by logic. Let it be childish, but with logic. You can ask the kid why he chooses black, for example, in drawing. Some will answer things that are surprising for adults, but typical for children: all other colors can be painted with black paint, but nothing can be painted with it. It turns out that black beats all other colors.

Another option is when the guys arrange a whole game from the picture. In such games, the most unthinkable things can be hidden behind black. The following phrases are typical here: “Where is the monkey? The monkey hid behind the black color! Can you really think that a playing and joyful kid is overwhelmed by something?

Choice in spite of the environment

Another reason for choosing black over all others is against the environment. This can begin with a crisis of 3 years, when negativism and denial first appear, and continue almost until adolescence. And for some, such manifestations generally remain for life.

Here, children have the following mechanism of action: “I’ll choose the color that annoys the teacher the most,” “I’ll take black, because my mother doesn’t like it,” “Everyone will be surprised: everyone is smart, but I am in black!”. Sometimes it is these thoughts that then lead adolescents to the appearance inherent in informals, even if they do not agree with them on other issues.

Reaction to what is happening

Children are very dependent on external changes in the world around them. Dirt, slush, rain, bare trees, clouds and wind may well be reflected in the baby's drawing. No wonder he suddenly starts painting with dirty brown, gray, black colors. But as soon as the sun looks out and the sky turns blue, the baby again draws the sun in the corner of the leaf and the bright grass.

When to start worrying

Of course, sometimes children use black as an expression of their attitude to what is happening in the family, in kindergarten or at school. If they see the aggression of the environment, hear screams, receive an accidental or special blow, endure bullying, they may well have negative thoughts, which for some reason they do not want to talk about, but at the same time they can express them in drawings.

You need to ask the children around him, the parents of these children, educators, teachers and other adults about the behavior of the baby at a time when his parents do not see him. When certain problems are identified, they need to be solved, independently or with specialist psychologists. If everything is calm, the family lives in love and harmony, the child is sociable and welcoming with other babies, then there is no reason for concern, and you just need to give the baby the opportunity to choose the colors that he likes.
