Every child is different. Someone is open in communication, while someone avoids all kinds of contact with others. An introverted child is always noticeable: on the playground he will always be away from the general children's fun, and the persuasion of parents to go play with other kids will not have positive results. Parents should understand the reason for this behavior, as well as provide assistance in the social adaptation of their child.

When parents see that the child avoids communication, then I begin to look for those who are guilty in myself. But it often happens that up to the age of three, he sees friends only in the person of parents and relatives, and everything necessary for games is at home. Therefore, he does not feel the need to communicate with peers.
Reasons for the isolation of children
Every child needs to be able to communicate. Contact with other kids allows him to learn how to express his emotions, find a way out of conflict situations, and develop communication skills.
By the age of five, the baby's interest in other children increases. He begins to play with them, communicate. But if the child continues to remain unsociable, then one should look for the reasons for such behavior.
These reasons include:
- The peculiarity of the character of the baby. He can be withdrawn and shy by nature. If his parents manage to instill in him more confidence in the world around him, then a rather self-confident person can grow out of a shy and timid person.
- Wrong parenting tactics. In families where it is customary to hide their experiences and keep thoughts to themselves, the child grows up withdrawn. It is very important that the child pays more attention to communication and joint games with peers.
- Negative communication experience. Some children, once faced with abusers among their peers, prefer solitude. Most often, this happens if the baby communicated with older children. And it also happens the other way around - when communicating with young children, the child experiences boredom.
What should parents do?
You need to invite other children to visit as often as possible. You should have confidential conversations with the child, as well as show interest in his affairs. It is recommended to pay attention to even the smallest situations that can play a huge role for the child.
You can enroll the child in some kind of circle, where he will constantly be in the company of his peers. In cases where the baby does not attend preschool, it is recommended to walk more often in the playgrounds, that is, to visit places where there is a large concentration of small children.
It is very important to develop a social circle for a baby, you should not limit it only to the company of relatives. Indeed, in order for a child to grow up as a socially adapted person with a stable psyche, he needs to be able to communicate with others.