It is not easy to instill in a small child a love for various handicrafts, but this is such an important and useful activity, especially for girls. Needlework contributes to the emergence of such qualities as hard work, patience, the child over time will begin to take the initiative to make a beautiful and pleasant trinket for his friends and loved ones, which also stimulates imagination and creative thinking. Also, the ability to embroider and knit can be useful in adulthood, not only as a good economy of the family budget, but also as a means of raising the mood.

So how to teach a child to needlework?
If your daughter is not interested in needlework on her own and does not show any desire to do it, you will have to approach this issue very delicately. If your baby loves to play with dolls, constantly changes their hairstyles, clothes, images, you can invite her to create a new wardrobe for her favorites on her own, trying to make unique and beautiful knitted blouses, skirts, dresses. If you yourself doubt your skills, and do not know how to make a bauble out of threads, how to knit small things, and so on, stock up on fashion magazines in advance that present patterns for knitting miniature clothes for dolls. Try to choose such publications or sites on the Internet, which set out simple and accessible schemes for the child.
To make the girl even more interested, prepare product samples so that she has something to look up to. Also try to work with your daughter together, teach her along the way. You can make the child knit a thing for the doll, and you knit clothes for her. Be sure to praise your little one for all her successes, as this best stimulates interest in continuing to work. Also, keep calm, do not be nervous, do not swear if your daughter cannot understand something the first time. Everyone tends to make mistakes, and your main task is to teach your child to perceive failure as a normal stage of learning.
If you see that the baby is interested in the process, you can not continue to encourage action, let him show imagination and creativity. Try to wait for the moment when your daughter herself begins to come up with models and choose materials for her creativity.
It is advisable to start learning needlework from an early age. Pay attention not only to knitting, there are many other options for needlework, for example, embroidery, weaving from different materials, beading, and so on. Support the child in all his endeavors, which will give an impetus to the development of abilities and skills.