How To Instill In Your Child A Love Of Literature

How To Instill In Your Child A Love Of Literature
How To Instill In Your Child A Love Of Literature

Reading children's books takes a special place in the development of a child. They not only develop speech and expand vocabulary, but also form basic ideas about the world around them. When is the best time to start reading to your baby? Ideally, even before his birth.

How to instill in your child a love of literature
How to instill in your child a love of literature

From about the 6th month, when the child's hearing organs have already formed and he begins to perceive sounds. Poetic rhymed speech is perceived by a child better than prosaic speech. Read any poetry you like to your child, from Pushkin and Goethe to Mendelstam and Lorca.

When to read? After all, newborns sleep almost all the time. Use the time when he sniffs against your chest, tell him something lyrical and gentle. When bathing your baby or doing gymnastics, read funny rhymes or folk nursery rhymes. If you need to do household chores, and your child categorically refuse to be alone, just put him in a sling, or, if he is already big, sit in a chair next to you and sing him a nursery rhyme, recite fairy tales in verse. Choose only high-quality literature for your kid, Chukovsky and Pushkin, Barto and Kharmsya.

When your child learns to focus his gaze, start showing him books with vivid pictures. First, choose books with cardboard pages that he can't tear. The text accompanying the picture should be minimal. During this period, such tales as "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Magpie-magpie", "Loaf" are suitable.

Pay attention to how the book is framed. Do not buy books for your kid with bad and tasteless illustrations, with cheap sheets. Also ask your family and friends to buy only good books for your child. Only in this case will the child begin to treat reading as something special, magical.

Here is a list of children's literature, tested by time and many generations:

V. Suteev "Fairy tales and pictures", Russian folk tales about animals, K. Chukovsky "Fairy tales", S. Marshak "Fairy tales, songs, riddles", S. Pushkin "Fairy tales", A. Barto "Toys", D. Harms "Poems", K. Ushinsky "Tales", A. Mili "We are with Winnie the Pooh."
