At first, when a child goes to kindergarten, for a very long time he cannot get used to the educators, the regime, the children, to be left without parents for a long time. Further, the difficult period ends, and the child gets used to it. For several years, parents and their children have lived calmly and measuredly. But in the life of every child after kindergarten, a new stage begins - they go to school. And the addictive problems begin again.

What difficulties does a child experience when moving to a new stage
In addition to the unknown situation, unfamiliar comrades and teachers, the student has a number of problems that a new educational institution causes him:
- An unfamiliar place. Depending on the child, adaptation to school will take place in different ways: some people like to be independent, while others will follow the teacher and try not to leave the classroom.
- Another mode. The main problem here is restlessness and inability to plan your time. This affects both in school behavior and beyond. For example, schoolchildren are given homework, and the child, due to his inability to plan the day, does not have time or forgets to complete it.
- Fatigue. Earlier, when the child was still in kindergarten, he had no responsibilities and he could calmly sit down to play, go for a walk or do other equally important things. But now homework will appear on the to-do list. It often happens that children come tired and want to relax after school.
- Independence. Many children dream of spending more time without relatives, but this can help the child feel lonely.
How to improve your child's mood
Set your child up for a good future
In order for the transition to a new stage not to become shocking for the child, it is necessary to conduct certain conversations with him. For example, to speak positively about the school, to say how great and fun it is, how much new things you can learn at school, what kind and helpful teachers are there. The parent can tell the child about how they will go to choose the office, emphasize that the choice will be up to the child. We must try to convey to the student that this stage of life is very important and interesting, that absolutely everyone must go through it.
Motivating your child to do homework
Basically, children who go to school are initially negatively disposed towards it, because they want to play, and not all areas of the school are of interest to them. Nevertheless, homework still needs to be done, regardless of the attitude towards the subject. Most often, it just happens that the child delays the moment of completing the task, and in the end does it somehow or does not do it at all.
In this situation, it is important to act by rewarding method. You need to figure out how best to summarize good grades. For example, start a special poster in which you need to paste all the positive marks for the week. And at the end you need to get together with the whole family and appreciate the efforts of the child. If the week went well, then the student should be encouraged, for example, by going to the zoo.
Importance of items
Usually, schoolchildren do poorly in those subjects that they do not like and which, in their opinion, will not help them in any way in the future. In this case, the parent needs to convince the child of the importance of each item.
Ability to plan
It is important for every person to plan their day. But the child does not yet know how to do this, therefore it is necessary to help him. The parent needs to discuss a possible daily routine, but not every minute, but formal. For example, you can define the time for lessons, for games, time for sleep. It is not recommended to put pressure on the child or act contrary to his personal preferences.
It will be easier for the child to tune in to the school routine if the parents support him. In no case should you suppress the authority of the teacher and blame him for all the failures. A good option is to invite the student to cope with problems together, to try to do what does not work out again.