When the house is in order, it is easy to find the necessary thing, you can invite friends at any time. But children tend to scatter their things and toys, and they no longer have enough strength to collect them and put them in place, although in a situation where the baby cannot find a toy, he is upset.

Children 3-9 years old need help to clean their things and keep the room tidy. When helping the smallest, each action should be voiced: "Now we put the books on the shelf, put the paints in the drawer, and put the pencils in the glass, right?"
A little older child can be given a hint: if you divide the room into squares and clean one at a time, it will always be in order. It is important for children to divide a large task into small parts, the reality of which is obvious to them. On the already removed squares, it remains to maintain order, which is not so difficult.
You can print and hang in a conspicuous place a "set of rules" to help maintain order and cleanliness in the house:
After using it, put what you took in its place.
Close what you opened.
Pick up what you dropped.
Hang up what you took off.
Clean or wash what you get dirty."
Agree, they will not harm many adults.
You do not need to have many toys, because the more there are, the more likely chaos is. Let the child decorate his room himself, then it will be more pleasant for him to clean it, because this is “his territory”.
Undoubtedly, if parents set an example of following cleanliness algorithms, it will be natural behavior for children. And remember that the main thing in this business is not to bend so as not to achieve the opposite effect.